Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 times six X because normally bring that to the front .
2 This is fully tax relievable in the employer 's hands so the liability nets down to £3,393 for the employer .
3 Both results are , of course , consistent with the competitive nature of commercial activity and can not , it is submitted , realistically be avoided if a measure of justice is to be accorded to the inventor whose endeavours remain unused by the employer .
4 Be patient and remain strong in the knowledge that the universe knows what 's best for you .
5 Budapest also remain apprehensive about the nature of Romania 's future political parties , and particularly those of the National Christian Peasant Party , which was recently formed with the help of Mrs Doina Cornea , one of Romania 's leading former dissidents .
6 Desmopressin , 20–40 mg nightly intranasally is effective during treatment in 12% to 70% of cases ; only up to 31% remain dry after the course of treatment .
7 What the hon. Gentleman says about me does not concern me ; but , if he is calling the local enterprise companies liars , I suggest that he repeat that outside the House .
8 These different versions of foundationalism remain unharmed by the absence of infallibility .
9 Microvitec Plc , Bradford told the annual meeting that trading in the first three months of 1993 ran ahead of budget : the firm 's chairman , James Bailey , said ‘ we remain profitable throughout the group , and we look forward to a successful outcome to the current year . ’
10 It can not escape notice that almost without exception these duties were performed , and in most countries-at least of the West — only performed , by priests until the Council .
11 The smaller species of mustelid , although they prey on small mammals , eat little of the bone , and they frequently catch and eat prey larger than themselves .
12 Policy , the report said , was to include ‘ the improvement of the water supplies of the province in order to conserve the pasture , make more grazing available in dry seasons and thus make possible for the tribe a more settled and less migratory life ’ .
13 One possible implication of this , suggests Gershuny , is that there would be a substantial reduction in the overall numbers formally employed , with the unemployed making creative use of the opportunities these consumer durables make possible in the home — a more benign version of Cooley 's vision described earlier .
14 And put some brackets round that and raise that to the power five .
15 Or ten sorry find the hundredth root of ten and raise that to the power seventy five .
16 Okay and raise that to the power point nought three .
17 A goldfish lay low in the water , coloured like a slice of tinned peach .
18 They are , or will be , excellent tennis players , but just four out of thirteen remain connected with the scheme , with their original aspirations still intact .
19 The 3M Thermal Seal Kit contains a film that covers the window and shrinks tight and wrinkle free with the heat from a hair dryer .
20 The breakfast things were still on the table ; the bedclothes lay tangled on the floor ; Tessa 's clothes straggled across the carpet from her open suitcase .
21 Eventually Nature becomes the designer , and the maintenance required is that sufficient to ensure that the sites remain acceptable to the public .
22 Greenberg ( 1983 ) and a collection of papers in Greenberg ( 1987 ) review some of the literature on environmental epidemiology .
23 The second shake-up in the past 12 months is expected to streamline internal services and review some of the marketing structures .
24 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
25 Will the Secretary of State make clear to the summit that after fourteen years of this government we have seen unemployment treble to three million unemployed .
26 Organizations using open-ended contracts always make clear in the course of recruiting staff and making formal job offers that the employment is seasonal .
27 The Front declared a unilateral ceasefire on March 4 , but demanded that all political groupings make clear by the end of the month their standpoint on Assam independence and " New Delhi 's colonialism " .
28 If there is uncertainty about the dose it may be wise to prescribe methadone 20 mg and then review this in the light of the response .
29 We remain high on the Department of Education and Science 's recommended list .
30 But the British remain fond of the welfare state ; they might , in the end , thank him if he made it work more fairly .
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