Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] over the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to ride over the next big bore at Stonebench . ’
2 Please stop wailing over the dead Pam and concentrate on turning past atrocities into subjects of education and development , not by denying them , but promoting them in ways which will continually enlighten and in many ways , benefit today 's society .
3 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
4 It 's come in in different ways , maths , English and science from Spring Gardens is separate separate sheets which we can actually take out the files and give to each department , there 's no problem there Saint John 's again , is separate sheets , Collingwood is n't , it 's actually on photocopiable sheets , we either cut them up and give them out separately in some form or whatever , and what I 've , what we hope to do over the next maybe this year is to ask them for a sheet each , for each subject that we can actually take out of the file and give to each department , so that is has arrived , it ha did arrive last year but it arrived in such hotch botch that we did n't actually give it out , but we certainly have it this year and Marian and I certainly , Marian anyway will get that together and give it out to departments .
5 ‘ Working with those people was a great education ’ , he says , as we begin scrambling over the damp boulders on the floor of the ghyll .
6 Print publishing over the past four years has shown an annual growth of some 8% but electronic ( non-print ) publishing over the same period has reached an annual growth rate of some 20% .
7 And already the thin strands of cloud , the outer rings of the immense , whirling storm , begin to drift over the southern islands — Po Toi , Sung Kong , Waglan Island , the Ninepins — and the wind and the waves begin to bustle about in the harbours .
8 It may also bring to a head a number of crucial questions about spreading priorities — for example , defence versus social security spending — when the oil revenues begin to decline over the coming years .
9 Indeed , the signs are that while the politicians and the bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print , young people are ready and willing to take the next step into Europe .
10 Then proceed to sweep over the entire body from head to toes .
11 They no longer have any time for politicians who try to gloss over the harsh facts of life .
12 If they do drive over the legal limit , it is usually because they are left with no other way to get home and they worry about parental reaction if they are late getting home .
13 It will be available to PowerPC users as the first systems start emerging over the next two quarters .
14 I think bearing in mind the clear intentions behind criteria two and the concern that we 've heard over the last three days about inward migration , it might be useful if we tag a rider onto erm criteria two .
15 The apparently calm , almost holiday mood of this Bosnian couple disguises the sheer terror they 've endured over the past few weeks .
16 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
17 For instance , if people have n't exhibited management ability in what they think are the worthwhile things they 've done over the past 30 years or so , the chance of them ever being good managers is remote .
18 V.W. Yes , I mean that 's something that when I first started I would n't have said , but I 've seen over the last six years changes in the governors and the role of the governors and I sense very much so that now they want Catholic appointments .
19 We 've created a new sector , I , I 've seen over the last three or four years , changes in the way that we 've tried to represent our membership in the Health Service from the old industrial conferences to combined industrial conferences into the er , current erm , section that we 've now got .
20 The display we 've seen over the last night would have been quite average for Scotland and Northern Ireland but this far south in Oxford it was quite spectacular .
21 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
22 There are no outstanding flashes in organic chemistry , things move step by step , and the way they 've moved over the past thirty or forty years is quite apparent if anybody looks round their home .
23 What what we should be doing is make s making sure that we have er the negatives of all those drawings that we 've produced over the last ten or fifteen years , that we may need to use again .
24 With a view to er recording all the drawings that we 've produced over the last fifteen years .
25 ONCE YOU 'VE got over the severe attack of ‘ Ooer ’ s which this band 's rather indecent euphemistic name inevitably provokes , Joni 's Butterfly reveal themselves ( sorry ) as perfectly innocent pop fun for all the family , with a lyrical undercurrent of sex , drugs , avarice and Satanic goat-molesting .
26 ‘ In the meantime you are free to do whatever you wish to do over the next few weeks .
27 Is this a *true* reflection of the quality of football we 've played over the first couple of months … and are we likely to break Cov 's unbeaten run ?
28 That is because of the way we 've behaved over the last two years .
29 ‘ On Columbus Day , we had a moment of silence to honour all the tribes who 've disappeared over the last 500 years .
30 I think it 's it 's fairly reasonable particularly when you consider what we 've experienced over the last two three and four seasons .
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