Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] at the end " in BNC.

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1 Para 5.1.1 We suggest adding at the end ‘ … is treated equitably within the constraints of corporate and strategic planning .
2 Tap Enter at the end of the last paragraph to have the new format
3 Tap Enter at the end of the text which will precede the inset text .
4 The bulbs in this unit actually stop working at the end of their useful lives which can be up to five years .
5 Is this the same as Carl , who we transfer listed at the end of last season ?
6 Perhaps the most telling aspect of the great wad of paper work which MPs get handed at the end of the Budget statement was the revelation tucked away that , even on Norman Lamont 's most optimistic financial forecast , the UK would not be in a position to meet the European Economic convergence criteria laid down in the Maastricht Treaty .
7 ‘ If you can spend five weeks having the time of your life and get paid at the end of it — why not ? ’ he asks .
8 Okay , now , what you should have in front of you , is a recipe for successful learning , because what you 've got at the top , right , what you 've got at the top is something that you 've learnt , and you think you 're pretty good at it , and what you 've got in the middle is , how you got to be good at it , and what you 've got at the end , is what you gain from having it .
9 Alarmed , they drop quickly and remain suspended at the end of fine silk-like threads .
10 ‘ It 's the first time my students have said at the end of the book that they love grammar ! ’
11 It is so time-consuming that you need to look at the end result with a very critical eye and decide whether it was worth the time it took to produce .
12 Shadows will be asked to write a short report of what they have learned at the end of the exercise .
13 Victor , Delta , Mike , locate left at the end .
14 All pirate stations , such as ours , have to close at the end of December .
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