Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The investment they make goes into a fund combining equities , fixed interest and cash .
2 Kenotic christology of this sort did have its own internal problems : on closer examination it is not easy to understand what exactly it can mean to speak of this ‘ self-emptying ’ , and attempts to make the matter more precise tend to fade into a tangle of artificialities and contradictions .
3 Some people take furniture to her that they do n't like or are tired of and want transformed into a work of art ; she optimistically feels that no piece of furniture is totally without hope .
4 The model predicts that as time passes these individuals expect to move into a job with longer duration , ceteris paribus , as one would expect ( see footnote 3 ) .
5 Imagine walking into a room for a meeting with the head of your organisation .
6 Just imagine going into a court of law to argue a case depending on its provisions .
7 I think he must be gay , I mean going into a monastery and not having anything to do with women and wearing a cravat
8 If you happen to stray into an area of mixed day and artificial lighting , say at a window-table in a café , beware !
9 The skull seems to become translucent , and within it — and in the flesh about it — knotted cords of white begin to form into a spiral which funnels back into a single thicker cord at the back of the skull .
10 Hardest hit are small businessmen and the unemployed who get sucked into a string of debt , partly as a result of easy credit , added Mr Milburn .
11 when I was about twelve and I remember bashing into a nanny with a pram .
12 You know to feed into a rep though
13 In behavioural terms this usually occurs when people participating in the meeting get locked into an information loop .
14 First they send you all round the town and then you get processed into a system with thousands of other people and it does n't feel at all like driving to a town on the coast and just getting on a boat .
15 I remember cramming into a photo-booth with Nick , Joe and Paul to take amphetamine sulphate and there was a policemen standing outside wanting to know what was going on .
16 I was in Bristol recently and I went to a bar there which is packed every night people pay to go into a club to go in there .
17 Stroll around a spa ( and the atmosphere of relaxation hardly invites you to go any faster ) and you become lulled into a state in which you would hardly be surprised to see a monarch emerge from the portals of an hotel .
18 ‘ I did n't want to become a prisoner of my own fame or become pushed into a corner by success and just sit at home . ’
19 We can be locked into the ritual just as we become locked into a dance sequence once we have entered upon it .
20 Try to get into a routine .
21 There is a straight approx 150yds long then go left into a grade II with a distinct step on the right at the bottom in the main flow .
22 No , I tend to break into a crate of Nettles Old Fester .
23 Frayed laces make tying very difficult ( and they tend to get into a knot ) , so put a little nail varnish or some tape on the ends or buy some new , novelty laces !
24 So that 's what the major players think goes into a network user 's PC .
25 They can kill as many as eight or nine men if they do fall into a trench
26 But if I do n't that 's when I risk slipping into a coma . ’
27 The last superintendent said we ca n't and I think the point you 've raised is very valid since they actually stopped that facility said that they 're not allowed in there it has I think gone into a situation where it is n't a very quite place erm and there problems about what goes on there etc and I think need to look at it .
28 What I would say this is a very very rare event in effect erm for this to happen erm and normally when the claims handlers do come into a situation like that it 's handled perfectly properly .
29 It is thought that about a third of conceptuses fail to develop into an embryo .
30 Above : Tony Berry shows one of many badger runs into a wheatfield .
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