Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] he as a " in BNC.

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1 Foreigners tend to see him as a ‘ whingeing pom , brit etc. ’ and do not like the program .
2 After spending a few months gauging public reaction , West Mercia Police intend to use him as a kerbside deterrent against speeding .
3 Bonar Law has usually received a bad press from historians , who have portrayed him as a hard , dour , humourless fanatic .
4 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
5 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
6 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
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