Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 If you want to avoid channelling out a wall , but would like to replace a single outlet with a double outlet , which can be a switched one , and will sit over the old position .
2 Livernash ( 1963 ) would even claim that the structure of bargaining in the United States has been primarily determined by union preferences and , unlike the situation in some European countries , employers appear to have exerted only a minimum positive influence .
3 The three front men appear to have worked out a rota so that when one of them tired of the constant leaping about he can take a breather while the other two step in and compensate with eye-catching leaps of their own .
4 Susceptibility to the toxic effects of paracetamol taken in overdose differs between people , which may explain why some patients survive having taken large amounts of paracetamol while others die having taken only a few tablets more than the eight tablets ( 4 g ) a day recommended by the manufacturers .
5 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
6 Six out of 10 voters are still not buying and three weeks of slogging seem to have made not a jot of difference .
7 You seem to have filled in a few blank spaces for me . ’
8 These changes seem to have occurred about a hundred years after the Cretan temples were rebuilt ; then , quite suddenly , in about 1600 BC , all the pottery at Phylakopi was Minoan in style .
9 Other prominent industrialists were involved in canal promotion , though as a group they seem to have provided only a small part of the necessary finance .
10 Some of the water-pipes in the town of Wilhelmshaven , Germany seem to have taken on a life of their own .
11 The picnics were originally for the printers " and their families " , but once large numbers of young women were employed , they seem to have taken on a more youthful atmosphere , and became good opportunities for courtship .
12 ‘ You are getting close to Ana and seem to have taken quite a responsibility on your shoulders .
13 Get cook to make up a tray of coffee will you ? ’
14 But he said when you start paying money just into a building society and then lump sum this and lump sum that they tend to sort of then oh you know , what is actually going on here and they tend to start looking about a bit more .
15 The males do like to set up a territory , and minor skirmishes can break out between them if the tank is not large enough to allow two or three separate domains .
16 British ministers had assumed that Bonn 's preoccupation with the situation in East Germany might lead it to oppose any move to begin drawing up a new treaty for European monetary union .
17 We 've decided to set up a campaign to put pressure on the Government and we need someone to run the office .
18 As getting tiny clothes was a problem for us I 've decided to put together a pre-term pack to loan out to NCT members who find themselves in need of them .
19 ‘ Well , I 've decided to stay on a bit to settle him . ’
20 Erm you 've got to put up a show
21 I 've got to take up a new attitude with him .
22 She wants to run through them all and then you 've got to fill in a piece of paper on which three pieces you 'd like to do , and al you know , she wants the cheque and full details of what name to go on the certificate and that sort of thing .
23 no it 's not , mum says you 've got to fill in a form and say who 's talked and how old we are and
24 I 've got to pop upstairs a minute .
25 And we 've got to pick up a mare that Ibn Fayoud 's bought out there .
26 Now going back to administration , I 'd wade through , and it might say that the policy 's being delivered , so I 've got to set up a policy delivery call .
27 We 've got to set up a proper complaints procedure , so that people know how to complain about Social Services , although I doubt very much whether anybody would ever want to complain about Oxfordshire 's Social Services , and so on .
28 The interesting one is when we 've got take away a minus three , that 's the same as add the positive three , add plus three .
29 You 've got to know quite a lot about rhythm .
30 Yes that 's right which means in a way that you 've got to know quite a lot .
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