Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing difficult about a whole stream of , of er comments were raised by the inspector Mr team are , have addressed a large number of them , have told us what they propose to do to deal with a number of er and , and I believe that there will be things left over when he 's finished that , that he wo n't be able to resolve er perhaps er without the people that help the Committee er or some of us are always suggesting is that er those things that he is unsuccessful in resolving erm be identified and so that er when , when the er the Inspector makes his er his next report we can see just , just why that some of these other items there have were n't able to be addressed .
2 She and her boyfriend have had their future planned for some time : they want to start farming in a nearby village , where they also intend to build a bungalow .
3 The Inspirals appear to have fallen into a crack in the US market .
4 The Secretary of State put before us a whole catalogue of countries that have ballistic missile capability , and a substantial number of them appear to have embarked on a nuclear weapons programme .
5 They just make indie music because they 're middle class teenagers who want to get rid of a bit of angst and I do n't think that is what Curve are about .
6 I sort of was a bit lost on me trig so that 's really what I want to get to go through a bit of trig .
7 But I am due to take a trip to the Indian Ocean shortly where I hope to go swimming in a warmer sea !
8 ‘ I expect you just happen to like living in a very simple way , ’ Matilda said , probing a little further .
9 Those which happen to come to rest in a non-absorbing direction will absorb no more photons , and will thereafter stay put .
10 Most anglers that I 've seen seem to consider drifting as a one way only method .
11 They seem to love looking after a child , or , at least , take it in their stride . ’
12 Some of the largest marsupials ( Diprotodon ) seem to have survived to a time tantalisingly close to the present .
13 Many urban tradesmen , especially those connected with the building industry , seem to have invested in a small way in housing for rent , but there can be little doubt that the special facilities in raising capital conferred by acts of parliament on turnpike trusts and canal companies enabled them to become the recipients of a flow of capital from sources which would not otherwise have been drawn so directly towards economic improvements .
14 So he does the best he can to limit the damage done by the past , in efficiency or justice , by deciding against Mrs. McLoughlin ; if we object , we seem to have succumbed to a fetishism of doctrinal elegance , slavery to coherence for its own sake .
15 But I seem to have hit on a compromise , a way to make them feel they still have a stake in the treasure , but in addition an enhancement of their family 's reputation . ’
16 The second impression is probably one of childishness and simplicity ; we seem to have strayed into a non-adult world — is it comparable , as some have suggested , to the world of Blake 's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience ?
17 Why ? you get get snogged at a disco .
18 It was as if we were thought of as an extension of a civil service in which the expression of contentious opinions would be frowned upon and whistle blowing seen as a crime .
19 Once you decide to get rid of a Windows application , it 's vital to make copies of any important data you 've created with it to make copies of any important data you 've created with it before embarking on a ‘ slash and burn ’ policy .
20 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
21 Try to keep drinking to a minimum when you are pregnant , for the sake of your own health and your baby 's .
22 BBC2 's Horizon , in The killer in the village ( 25 April ) , traced its spread across America and the efforts of the Center for Communicable Diseases ( CCD ) in Atlanta , Georgia and others to isolate the cause and so enable work to proceed to a cure .
23 Again your electrical appliances do want servicing on a regular basis .
24 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
25 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
26 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
27 Rupert does , I think tend to get through a hell of a lot of milk .
28 Thou hast done wonders in a little time , not only made a rake a husband but thou has made a rake a preacher .
29 I do like to hear about a new garden in the planning .
30 If you do decide to buy from a private bazaar you will be expected to haggle .
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