Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adv] a large " in BNC.

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1 You seem to have quite a large sense of pessimism about how to deal with this problem , Frankie .
2 Mares in stalls make mucking out a large number easier .
3 The early sea urchins tend to have rather a large number of plates in a much less regular mosaic than their later relatives .
4 Yes you have you have a territory each , yes , because it 's er , er , it 's we , we 've got quite a large territory , have n't we ?
5 Bonus payments tend to make up a larger share of earnings in Japan at about one-quarter of the total giving employers more room to adjust wages in line with changes in levels of economic activity .
6 This rule , still in existence while Visa and Mastercard fight a rearguard action with the Office of Fair Trading , prevents banks from processing card transactions until they have built up a large base of card-holders .
7 I am told you have bought up a large quantity of corn lately , which has been the means of raising the price of corn to such a degree , as to incense the tinners so much against you … that I am credibly informed no less than a thousand of them will be with you tomorrow early : they are first to assemble at Chacewater and then proceed for Falmouth .
8 Although he was nine years older than her , her youth and immaturity must , she realised , have played quite a large part .
9 Not only have the Government disregarded the electricity supply industry 's disdain for that achievement , but they have sat idly by and watched collieries close which , in the past five years , have taken up a large part of that sum of money about which the Minister boasted just a moment ago .
10 But it is evident that publishers , to stay in business , need to bring out a large number of titles every year .
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