Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adv] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope to meet quite a few of them , ’ she said yesterday .
2 A visit to Salcey is all the more rewarding and exciting if you manage to see even a few of its shy inhabitants .
3 ‘ I do n't think that professionalism as such should have a place within the playing side of the Association , ’ states the Dungiven clubman , ‘ We play for pure enjoyment and recreation and if along the way we manage to pick up a few honours , then that 's great .
4 Or go back to HQ , and try to think up a few lines of enquiry for the staff there to pursue — men and women looking progressively more unwashed and unkempt and incompetent as the small hours of the morning gradually wore on .
5 And the other part of facial waxing is , on the chin , we tend to get quite a few growing on our chin , and upper lip .
6 The Bill 's interesting , I think , because they do have quite a few isolated episodes , like that issue of wife battering , which can be quite progressive .
7 But I do get quite a few people phone me as you know asking for information .
8 I shall deal mainly with the latter subject , but I intend to spend just a few minutes on education .
9 ‘ I 've roughed out a few questions but they 're only a guide . ’
10 I mean I 've filled in a few forms for them but I mean probably you 're a passive owner like me in the sense that I do n't go and actively trade them , er I keep them in a long term investment , and that 's it .
11 We 've picked out a few of the very best places and entertainments for our trips programme to give you a taste of one of the most attractive areas in Spain .
12 We 've picked out a few packages from the Windows range , more or less at random , just to whet your appetite .
13 ‘ I 've met quite a few during the past five years , ’ he agreed smoothly .
14 I 've done quite a few ads , the latest Marmite ad is mine and now I 've got the part in Brookside which is great , I 'm really enjoying it .
15 He said : ‘ I 've done quite a few police jobs and appeared in front of the Royal Family .
16 Well the thing is after a while when you 've done quite a few it comes it comes fairly easy , and you can do it in your head .
17 I know down at Evans I 've noticed quite a few things in there , there are different
18 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
19 you 've missed quite a few have n't you ?
20 I 've seen quite a few er in the so well you see we belong wi the Guild is fit into three tiers .
21 Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom , and we 've seen quite a few birds .
22 In this day and age , 100MB is average , and people quite often discover that they 've got only a few kilobytes of space left , and usually at the most inopportune times .
23 The fact that the committee was not merely an hierarchical instrument of management , but represented all departments and a range of statuses , was also felt to be an advantage : Very luckily we 've got quite a few Scale 1 younger teachers , people with new ideas , possibly … and it 's taken up , quite well … it 's quite respected now .
24 Well , er I 've got quite a few comments but I 'll ask
25 So my said , Ooh you know what if it does n't you you know you 'd have none for next term sort of thing I said well I 've got quite a few for next term still .
26 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
27 You 've got a golf course , you 've got quite a few things round here , you 've even , you 've got your school just a bit , you know up past .
28 Erm you 've got quite a few people walking through .
29 We 've got quite a few pupils in our school who will seize on anything like this as a means of causing friction between the various groups .
30 Ooh and you 've got quite a few shells .
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