Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I said I want to try it out first .
2 they say oh tax is too high , I mean Labour want to put it up any way , but by the by , this answered them any way , what they say is oh its too high , erm even the American tax is four per cent , who gives a dam , because the thing is in America what you 're loosing , what you gain in your tax you have to pay out through the nose for health care
3 Then if you want if you want to invite them back that 's right , yes .
4 The limitation only comes if you want to blow it up any bigger than 8x10 — then you 've got to use large format ’ .
5 It is wasteful simply to flash the light into the air and hope to pick it up some distance away since most of the light spreads out in space ( compare this with radio communication ) — although this method does have its uses over very short-distances .
6 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
7 Well they were knocking one night well gone twelve , about twenty to one I think it was , still banging and hammering , and I 'm sure if I rang him and said look you know pack it up this , he 'd , he 'd say oh I 'm sorry yeah and he will , but you should n't have to do that
8 You 've caught me out this time .
9 I mean I have gone to the trouble , I have been in to see the planning officer that 's dealing with it , erm I 've written to every single member of the planning committee , I 've written to the Environmental Health who have written back to me saying they offer no objections and there because the smell wo n't be a problem so I 've written them back another stinking letter and saying well erm
10 unless it 's the but er if you 've forgot it back good reason for handing it over so yeah I mean I , I think that well I 've given you the , the , the strength if you like we can see it , perhaps a little bit more open questioning would n't go amiss would it ?
11 I 've got it back two or three times and then I failed it in the end .
12 Let the fire go out last night and we 've had it out all day have n't we ?
13 I 've been grateful for Jessie having my key because er I 've locked myself out one or two
14 ‘ That 's not true , I 've brought him up Irish . ’
15 So your mum 's cut it up or you 've cut it up this time just between the two of us and you 've cut it into two halves you 've got half there and I 've got another half .
16 oh yes he said I 've worked it out those extra hours I 've paid you for them but I thought you actually worked for them for nothing and I 've just given you a bonus
17 Directors , they 've signed one off sick , from British , er Vicker 's shipyard , and give him sixty thousand pound a year directorship .
18 Erm have to work it out all the time , this is erm this is one to two hundred and fifty thousand .
19 Most flesh-eating reptiles have simple spikes that prevent them from chewing their prey ; they have to gulp it down whole and then remain in a torpor for days or weeks to digest the meal .
20 This does not mean we have to put ourselves down all the time : this would just be false humility , which is another subtle form of pride .
21 You know we have to fight them off all the time .
22 In assimilating a presentational form we have to take it in all at once , rather than sequentially , and there is nothing equivalent to grammatical structure underlying it ( 1942 : 90–3 ) .
23 JASON Dozzell prepares for his 400th Ipswich Town game at Manchester City tomorrow saying : ‘ We all need to step it up ten per cent . ’
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