Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or they , what kind of problems do , problems tend to come with from the flats ?
2 This is an exaggeration , but you should remember that the older the history book ( especially over 20 years ) the less reliable it can be considered to be , because ( i ) new evidence is always being unearthed ( ii ) all historians tend to write from within the perspective of their own times ( " every generation writes its own history " ) ( iii ) most professional historians update their own interpretations according to personal preference and in the face of scholarly criticism .
3 William Jardine [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ honest and liberal beyond what we generally meet with , or even expect to meet with in the general intercourse of business transactions ’ .
4 One of the other the other things that we will erm be taking responsibility for is , is something called the Front Line Review which I want to come back too , because it 's something that will interest you as a group erm , but that 's basically again a Council learn initiative , where the Council 's want to look at over the next month all of the front line services we provide , the , the services that you come into contact with on a day to day erm level and look at , you know , are we providing a service as you want , are we providing them efficiently , how would you like to see them better provided .
5 So but nevertheless we will look at a little bit at those peripheral things , but we 're going to concentrate mainly on the design and on the delivery of a presentation so that 's what we want to what we want to look at over the next two days .
6 The only control that is n't a membrane switch is the parameter change dial , which BOSS refer to as the ‘ Shuttle Dial ’ .
7 Finally , the last consideration , again I believe that to be a location question which I propose to deal with under the heading two C.
8 They want to build from within the club and restore the atmosphere and team spirit that was perhaps missing last year .
9 As the baby grows up , 24-hour rhythms begin to appear from about the second month of life onwards .
10 Has there been any sort conflict open open to in the in the town at all ?
11 The cheetah maintains its status as the world 's fastest animal ( 110 km/h ) and the prong-horn antelope of the North American plains the fastest herbivore ( 100 km/h ) but , overall , predatory carnivores and their herbivore prey seem to run at about the same speed .
12 But there is a bonus to that in that people hope that by testing their ideas about the uncertain physics , by building models of that early stage , that those models will have consequences for the things that get left behind in the universe for the present , and so they might be able to test their ideas about how matter behaves at very high density by using cosmology , and that 's very important because we have no other way of doing it .
13 If we are troubled by the fact that the corporatist countervision we find hinted at in the legal materials might become simply a mask behind which corporate managers exercise unconstrained economic and social power , an alternative avenue for research is available to us .
14 You tend to withdraw into yourself if you feel got at by the world , especially if you have experienced a rejection in past months .
15 The issue becomes especially important where , as a result of questioning , and without the benefit of the correct conditions or the advice from the solicitor , access to whom has been wrongly denied , the suspect makes a damaging confession which the police later try to rely upon at the trial in order to secure a conviction .
16 Er and we are talking about open countryside outside erm rural settlements and if you look at the wider countryside and that includes in my judgement er the pattern of settlement which is where most people actually do live in in the countryside .
17 Dogs start screaming from around the back .
18 I am not talking here about your work surfaces , or work triangles or the general space/work efficiency of your kitchen , but rather if you could use your kitchen as more of a family room-the sort of room which friends as well as family tend to migrate to at the first available opportunity .
19 ‘ They say we dream a lot of things we hate thinking about in the daytime . ’
20 He spent a long time listening , and then said , ‘ You know , George Dionisovich , you 've fallen into to the hands of the Mafia .
21 But that 's the latest thing I 've heard of on the one anyway .
22 no tail oh dear oh dear but you see then of course and I was still not married but you see I , as I say , then I went to Cambridge and that 's when I met my husband and all his family were so kind to me , er he had erm two sisters living in a flat round the backs , you 've heard of round the backs
23 Erm coming in from er on the A six one two from , er we 've come to over the level crossing there .
24 The answer is never one the minimum we 've come across in an organization is two the typical is five to ten and in some organizations it 's going on fifteen .
25 Once again , good evening ladies and gentlemen , and once again I 'd like to offer an especially warm welcome to this centenary lecture to those of you who 've come from outside the university .
26 erm from the evidence we 've looked at over the past few weeks you know I would say that
27 One of the problems that we 've suffered from in the past was some level of inconsistency which we 've now put to bed .
28 Er no Cos it 's up like patterned on the on like , two walls and then we 've got like like a balloon different balloon erm wallpaper
29 This is a great groove because you can superimpose the other stylistic feels we 've talked about over the groove .
30 Most of the schemes that are put in here are actually assessed by the area highway engineer and if you 've got particular schemes , especially ones that you know you 've talked about in the past , the best way of dealing with them is to speak to him directly and say , why is n't it in this time ?
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