Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a nice thing to know if you ever get tense , er decide that this is it , I 'll throw things Er well I do when I want to throw things at the kitchen and go away and you use aromatherapy .
2 ‘ Although we consolidate using spreadsheets at the moment , we find that it is quite a lot of hard work , ’ says finance director Mark Nabakov .
3 In principle only the difference signal between the noninverting and inverting inputs is amplified ; like input signals at the two inputs create cancelling signals at the output .
4 You usually like to keep things at the status quo , but today you could be willing to make a few changes .
5 Remember to take turns at the back and the front .
6 ‘ You stand as much chance of getting rich with that stuff , ’ she 'd say , ‘ as I do scrubbing floors at the Liver Buildings . ’
7 So that you know that I do takes notes at the other end .
8 Imagine an economy in which firms , for whatever reason , agree to fix prices at the end of period t to cover period t + 1 and t + 2 and not to alter these prices in either period t + 1 or t + 2 if circumstances differ from those expected at the close of period t .
9 Not in a hundred per cent of the cases , er and we do have undesirables at the John Radcliffe , er but there has n't been an incident such as this er I think that goes some way to prove that we do have a reasonably tight security service , and we , we work to any way that we can to keep it as secure as possible .
10 I 've got rooms at the Dominicans ’ ; that 'll do .
11 I 've sold cushions at the cricket matches .
12 yeah so we create a supervisor , we 've thrown numbers at the er the typing , swopped around a few hours , changed a bit here , changed a bit there , it 's all cosmetic stuff around the edges
13 As the inquiries continue , relatives and friends have placed flowers at the riverside where Tania 's car was found .
14 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
15 Since 1986 over 1.5 million visitors have attended exhibitions at the following venues :
16 ‘ We have made enquiries at the Golden Turk . ’
17 Suffice it to say that if I could afford it , there would be pieces of bogwood where I have shown rocks at the back !
18 Certainly er , the er in fact , some of them have got titles at the front so
19 Voters have voiced complaints at the elections being held before the trials begin , and before Mr Papandreou has a chance to prove his innocence .
20 It also announced plans to build a sports hall and improve playing fields at the Knowsley Park Lane school , once the Lathom Wing on St Helens Road is closed .
21 Readers are then advised to watch out for transfers between balance sheet and p&l account to identify cases where companies have enhanced profits at the expense of their balance sheets .
22 You have been Disney Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge for eleven years and since the mid-Sixties you have held posts at the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton .
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