Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a part of that we intend to arrange excursions from time to time , and there will be winter lectures .
2 In perception , you tend to find models of perception that 're based on top down or bottom processing .
3 Erm we expect to see improvements on chlorine , but I ca n't give you a time .
4 We also want to increase funds for training and enterprise councils and would like an additional £675 million allocated to TECs to increase training quality in the existing programmes and provide an extra 71,500 places .
5 Instead , the strategies suitable for obtaining housing of different tenures appear to encourage differences in family formation , especially early fertility or its postponement .
6 If you want to hear complaints about service industries , the quality of garage maintenance is a regular target for consumer watchdogs and grousers .
7 At a meeting organised by Cheshire-based Barclays Computer Operations , the facilities management division of the Barclays group , Peter Eldridge , IBM 's IT Infrastructure Consultant , said that this contradicted industry speculation that users want to ditch mainframes in favour of mid range systems and that recession was preventing new investment .
8 Economies of scope involve comparing costs at point C with those at A and B , whereas multiproduct economies of scale examine behaviour along OC , and product-specific economies of scale are concerned with costs as we move along AC or BC .
9 If you mean ‘ pirate ’ , you can get lost , but if you want to analyse programs in order to get reset pokes , for example , you 'll need to learn machine code first .
10 Somewhere there must be an inheritor of more promise , a hint before sunrise of a sun fit to disperse doubts like morning mists , and dazzle out of our vision both king and empress , with all the confusion , chaos and waste they have visited upon this land .
11 The amount of leave is likely to be considerably greater when the employees ' postings involve leaving spouses/families at home .
12 Older knitters ( and for that matter ‘ wearers ’ of knitted garments ) tend to view synthetics with suspicion .
13 Harps echo McLaughlin 's scalding guitar figures , synthesisers unleash cascading peals of sound like church bells , sustained low trombone sounds throb beneath the horn and guitar like sensations from a distant engine-room .
14 The head of the figure at the extreme left of the Demoiselles is , like that of her companions in the centre of the picture , expressionless and impassive but now has about it a mask-like quality that recalls a wide variety of African tribal masks in which the component parts of the head and face have about them exactly the same quality of definition , although here the similarities may possibly be simply affinities rather than derivations ; the heads of many of the paintings of late 1906 had also been severe and mask-like although they tend to resemble sculptures in stone , whereas the head of the demoiselle in question looks more wooden in both colour and texture .
15 11 Walk to see lambs in summertime in the Yorkshire Dales National Park .
16 Sometimes taxpayers who have discretionary trusts created before 18 March 1986 seek to create interests in possession perhaps in favour of the settlor in order to have an advantageous income tax position if , for instance , the trust holds shares in a UK company and dividends are paid .
17 They will make the models which include sheep , giraffes , elephants and rhinos , for craft and gift shops to sell but also hope to receive commissions for shop window displays and from firms wanting the models as promotional displays .
18 I then cut retaining strips of plastic with a keyhole shape cut out — again made to fit tightly on the plant stem .
19 My dream is achievable because all we have to do is stop doing some of the things we are already doing : stop using the productive forces we have developed to create disabilities through warfare , environmental pollution and industrial accidents ; stop creating disabilities through poverty by using our vast wealth not in pursuit of capital accumulation and profit , but in ensuring that we all have the necessities to sustain material life ; and stop judging and treating people on the basis of the contribution they can or can not make to the development and operation of these productive forces .
20 They also hope to raise funds for research into brain tumours .
21 ‘ We also hope to raise funds for research into brain tumours and to correlate lots of facts and figures . ’
22 Parliament is a talking shop where members seek to influence others by debate .
23 They had just overwhelmingly repulsed an unprovoked attack by a European power , and their past history gave them little cause to regard Europeans with favour .
24 ‘ I nivver did games at school , ’ mused Werewolf .
25 It is becoming increasingly evident that theories which seek to explain patterns of crime in socio-economic terms must do so in conjunction with cultural and political variables .
26 They also seek to become owners of policy initiatives rather than to act as transmitters for central political goals .
27 ‘ I intend to buy bits of produce and talk to them .
28 Warm-blooded animals do not have this constraint , although they tend to avoid extremes of temperature .
29 Some languages , such as German , tend to express relations through subordination and complex structures .
30 Unfortunately , certain landlords tend to abuse rights of access and as a first step the tenant should ensure that the right is subject to reasonable notice and may only be exercised at reasonable times , except of course in cases of emergency .
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