Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The idea of a flying continuum becomes even more persuasive when we remember that very small animals tend to float gently in air , whatever their shape .
2 The money we make goes directly to patients . ’
3 Indeed , had it not been constructed when it was , Peter Scott 's Wildfowl Trust situated further up river at Slimbridge would probably have lost much of its new grounds to erosion by now .
4 Meths stoves , like the popular Trangia , tend to work better in wind and can cope with cold , but you might find the meths a little difficult to light in extreme cold .
5 You tend to slink away in corners .
6 Major urban and rural areas tend to differ greatly in life styles and in their inhabitants ' perceptions .
7 The frames tend to suffer badly from condensation , they can generally be fitted only with very slim sealed units , and some can not be double-glazed at all .
8 This average conceals an important fact : many of the industries that tend to suffer most during recessions ( suppliers of consumer durables , transport and communications , for example ) have actually cut their debt-service burden since 1980 ; the biggest increases in debt service have been taken on by relatively stable industries ( such as producers of services and consumer non-durables ) .
9 We must define the Europe that we want to see far beyond Maastricht and how we believe that the Maastricht summit can assist in achieving that Europe .
10 ‘ Pappy , I want to go away to school .
11 A holiday in the snow does n't have to mean skiing , and if you want to go away before Christmas , it 's hard to find a resort with enough snow to make skiing possible .
12 is that Tom Farmer and also the Hib 's board seem to on , on on , numerous occasions say they 've no interest in Ingleston , and they want to go ahead with Straiton .
13 She was even deliberately ridden backwards , which is very hard on a horse , to make her want to go forwards for relief , but she still refused to move on .
14 I want to go home to Norway . ’
15 ‘ We want to go home in March , ’ he said , ‘ We 're not going to take the risk . ’
16 His company , VPL , is one of a small group of VR innovators in Silicon Valley , California , where advanced technologies appear to sit easily alongside research into human consciousness .
17 they appear to go far beyond community care guidance contained in the Laming/Foster circulars of last year , which simply asked SSDs to develop a purchaser/provider split according to local circumstances , and most SSDs have introduced only limited contracting .
18 Hill fit to continue here for Leicester .
19 All good reasons to look to Guinness Flight first when you want to invest internationally with confidence .
20 We have made a sound start in 1990 to achieving the degree of co-operation and mutual aid that we know the Government and Public expect to see more in evidence throughout this decade .
21 Meanwhile , the poor actors who are facing long stints on the Costa Eldorado have been told by the BBC that if they want to come home on breaks or holidays , they will have to pay their own fare .
22 Want to know more about share investment ?
23 ‘ I really want to know more about girls and what they feel about sex and love .
24 Try to learn to tell the difference between people who are just wanting to have a row and people who REALLY want to know more about Jesus .
25 So if you want to know more about Michael Chang , or indeed any of the players who have fan club services and who are listed on the opposite page , then do n't delay .
26 I would recommend it to students who want to know more about peptide chemistry .
27 Understandably people want to look forward to retirement , and for many people part of that dream is the rose-covered cottage or modern bungalow in the country or by the sea .
28 ‘ We want to focus more on wine , less on the traditional off-licence with its wider range of fags and beers , ’ continues Waters , undeterred .
29 On the evidence of this survey , these conclusions appear to apply generally in Oxfordshire .
30 But we managed to play well against Uruguay and we want to play well in Scotland . ’
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