Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Wars tend to prompt religious reawakening in a populace .
2 I tend to wear black suits in the evening although I must admit I 'm getting slightly bored with black now .
3 ‘ They want to see economic development in the local area for them ’ .
4 We expect to stimulate significant improvements in NHS performance , particularly on waiting times , as a result .
5 Allowing for intersubject variability , one night still expect to see marked changes in the histology of the small bowel after infusion of 100 mg of pure peptide .
6 I expect to find rich pickings in the Ministry of Defence , with its townships , its airfields , its office blocks , its country houses , its sailors ' hostel in South Kensington and its acreage of land which would make up an English county .
7 Many potential purchasers expect to find fitted wardrobes in bedrooms these days .
8 Crime , vandalism and delinquency are confined to a minority , handful they said , in a district where the majority of folk want to lead decent lives in peace and quiet .
9 The five-year MEng honours degree course is for particularly able students who expect to assume responsible positions in industry immediately after graduation .
10 So it seems to me first of all that we should maintain a state of military preparedness , not because the Soviet Union is likely to attack us , but , simply because it represents this huge area of instability on our Eastern Frontiers , but I think also we should be more positive , I do n't think we want to do secret deals in C I A style , er , in fact I think we want the maximum of open diplomacy .
11 The two indices appear to have equal validity in measuring the relative change in price or quantity levels between two periods .
12 In addition , the clergy appear to have considerable difficulty in recognizing the transformation which theoretical positions on Christian belief and morality undergo as they are concretized in historical human relationships , doubtless also because of the strong essentialist bias in their perception of socio-ethical issues .
13 Nevertheless , those people who want to develop Labour politics in the province and to change things for the better should at least be given the chance to try .
14 The corollary is seen where alien plants , contrary to expectation , appear to oust native plants in species-rich environments , where every ‘ niche ’ would appear to have been filled by species evolving more or less in situ to fit those environmental factors .
15 Clearly , if we want to deliver long-term reductions in tobacco consumption , we need to ensure that the smallest possible number of children — preferably none — take up the tobacco habit .
16 In this paper I want to examine recent developments in three areas of social policy : income maintenance , taxation and family law , exposing the assumptions made about the division of responsibilities within the family on which debates and changes have been based .
17 Both want to thwart American designs in the Middle East .
18 ‘ It provides an ideal opportunity for those who want to gain practical experience in using and applying media-related skills .
19 Now they expect to make significant inroads in patient waiting time .
20 Even in these circumstances we still expect to make steady progress in 1993 .
21 Said Mike ‘ We want to achieve real reductions in the environmental impact of our packaging .
22 However , there are certain behaviours that more often than not are considered helpful and therefore tend to engender favourable reactions in the people you have dealings with .
23 Nonetheless , there are certain behaviours that tend to engender unfavourable reactions in the people you have dealings with .
24 The lectures are named in his honour and organisers hope to attract big names in the future .
25 seek to contain future increases in the practising certificate fee to the level of inflation ;
26 Point of sale link to new publications sales shop to provide detailed analysis in stocks movement and turnover per annum .
27 to build on the established strengths of subject areas and seek to extend interdisciplinary cooperation in teaching , learning and research .
28 Pyramid Research , a Boston-based consultancy , reports that western companies hope to use joint ventures in Eastern Europe to strengthen trading ties with Russia in preparation for the day when Cocom relaxes its controls .
29 We must continue to campaign on this issue and support taking legal action in Europe against the attack on women 's pay .
30 Almost all the theories ( including the Noachian one ) that seek to explain major extinctions in the past , lead by one route or another to climatic oscillations and related matters such as the composition of the earth 's atmosphere .
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