Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] for the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Bosnian Serbs deny responsibility for the attacks , which have continued since the UN declared the no-fly zone last October .
2 In the middle of the campaign , there were several films and dance parties for the students .
3 Make eyes for the whales with little discs of white fondant topped with smaller discs of black , and fix on to the whales with royal icing or a dampened paint brush .
4 Pilot schemes suggest they can add greatly to the citizen 's sense of security and build support for the police .
5 Major competitions are held annually and provide sport for the participants and a colourful spectacle for the landlubber .
6 Please send correspondence for the letters pages to ‘ Letters to the Editor ’ , Woodworker , Argus House , Boundary Way , Hemel Hempstead HP2 7ST .
7 comes with cassettes which provide models for the exercises , and all the practice material
8 A few clothing factories provide work for the women of Scunthorpe .
9 Travellers along the other road would recognise that , for the historical reasons identified by Dixon J. in Yerkey v. Jones , 63 C.L.R. 649 , equity has in the past treated married women differently and more tenderly than other third parties who provide security for the debts of others .
10 I am convinced this is right and that the Institute must unify the profession and provide leadership for the threats and opportunities that lie ahead .
11 Its tree-like structures provide shelters for the polyps , the anemone-like organisms from whose secretions it is built .
12 pads that provide connections for the servos and the power supply .
13 The reports mostly provide information for the donors ; many are in English ( the national language of Mozambique is Portuguese ) .
14 Their eggs and chicks provide food for the foxes , and over the summer months , their droppings fertilise the flat ground below , encouraging a spongy growth of grass and moss and providing rich grazing for reindeer — a neat cycle of life .
15 These supply steam for the hammers , and ’ for a blowing engine for the furnace draught .
16 Tickets , which cost £8.50 for the races and £7.50 for the barbecue , must be booked by 16 July .
17 Cut notches for the scions around the edge of the severed branches and insert a scion into each so that the green layer of tissue just beneath the bark ( cambium layer ) of both scion and stock meet each other .
18 We need to make a special effort to fundraise this year — so — Please publicise this with your class members and also request contributions for the stalls and contact holders as follows : —
19 This declaration [ see p. 38599 ] had declared that the Libyan government " must surrender for trial " the two Libyans accused of the Lockerbie bombing , " accept responsibility for the actions of Libyan officials " , " disclose all it knows of this crime " and co-operate in providing access to witnesses , documents and material evidence , and " pay appropriate compensation " .
20 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
21 create opportunities for the children to give their work authenticity
22 We have seen that issues of causation and blameworthiness raise problems for the courts when deciding whether the plaintiff 's conduct was sufficiently serious to deserve a reduction in his entitlement to damages , or to deserve no damages at all .
23 Tittle calls for the layers of cognition which affect learning , the ‘ attributions , interests , values and attitudes ’ ( 1986 : 1166 ) , to be investigated .
24 The functions of local authorities , and indeed the legislation on which they are based , all imply support for the principles of the welfare state and the preservation of the environment .
25 Of course , you only get UB for the days you are unemployed .
26 Yet on the other hand , new employers in offices on the Isle of Dogs are not required to take on any local people or train people for the jobs that are on offer .
27 If the package has changed and the DCs have been aborted for some reason , but you still wish to proceed with the change , raise new DCs , get agreement for the changes , activate the Dcs through your package , then resubmit the package for approval .
28 Make flags for the buoys and boat by cutting out triangles of paper , one large and two small .
29 Any such sale was , if the condition was realized , to be void ab initio , and time would not run against the legatee or trust beneficiary for the purposes of positive prescription .
30 To do the project justice and allow time for the respondents ' concerns to be dealt with , this amount of time is required rather than sending all surveys out in one block .
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