Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 And lose money at the same time .
2 Males are generally the more mobile sex socially ; females commonly remain part of the same social unit throughout their lives and their relationships often provide a basic stability to it .
3 Of course , whether people are refused credit because of their probable inability to repay , or whether they do not apply for it because they expect refusal on the same grounds , the results are the same .
4 We want access to the same range of opportunities to participate in and contribute to the society in which we live .
5 In the 1980s , it is still true that males have higher mortality rates than females at all ages ( except possibly after reaching the age of 100 years : OPCS 1987 : 5 ) ; but the number of deaths in childhood and early adult life is now so small that it is not until individuals reach their late forties , that women actually outnumber men of the same birth cohort .
6 If you 're staying in a self-catering apartment in a hot climate , check the refrigerator works properly and buy and cook food on the same day , if possible .
7 The great novelist , in Nizan 's eyes , should be an " anti-Dostoievsky " , that is to say , a writer who can at one level emulate Dostoievsky 's ability to transpose on to the literary plane the anguish and despair of men and women struggling alone and unaided in the midst of a tragic social situation , and yet who can at another level go beyond Dostoievsky , offer a coherent explanation of the specific historical situation in which men and women are trapped , and focus attention at the same time on the political means of combating the injustices of their social condition .
8 I said would it , in order now just to deal with the amendment on my own sir or support Mr at the same time ?
9 To have won either award would have been a major achievement ; to have won both Environmental and Export Awards in the same year is remarkable and gives us great satisfaction .
10 Last month P&G cut prices for the same reason on its two leading brands of nappies , Pampers and Luvs .
11 Export growth over the same period has shown an increase of only 36 per cent which , although better than the world average growth of 28 per cent , is clearly not sufficient to cover the large increase in import demand .
12 Here the organisers have set up an international event where walkers , climbers and people everywhere can do something they enjoy doing and benefit others at the same time .
13 Could Belfast be said in this sense to be a single speech community separate from Lurgan ? or do Lurgan speakers show sensitivity to the same sets of variables ?
14 ( Hawks wear bells for the same reason as mountain cattle — so you can hear them when you ca n't see them . )
15 ‘ I 'll give the missus one and give thanks at the same time , how 's that ?
16 In the opinion of Books Etc , ‘ this unfair distribution method should now cease , and accordingly , may we please be given the opportunity of subscribing to your complete paperback list and obtain deliveries at the same time as all other bookshops in the UK ? ’
17 I sort of recognise it , but I ai n't sure — a lot of places look sort of the same .
18 What has actually happened effectively as a result of the massive exchange movements of 1984 and early 1985 is that an American citizen can now go anywhere in the world and purchase goods for the same price abroad as he can at home .
19 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
20 It forbade the granting of academic tenure ( see Chapter 7 ) to new university academic staff ; withdrew tenure from staff in post who move to a different university or accept promotion within the same university .
21 The first instance most commonly occurs when a group of students complete training at the same time .
22 Adverbs describe verbs in the same way that adjectives describe nouns .
23 How to keep your home warm and save energy at the same time
24 Jennifer Coates suggests it is a mistake to treat single-sex and mixed-sex interaction in the same terms .
25 In the museum right now , both physical and intellectual distances separate objects of the same period , style and culture .
26 How can observers moving at different speeds all measure light at the same speed ?
27 An electoral chain of command pushes orders up so that the people control things at the same time as those in authority are responsible down to the people or to the government of the people .
28 Yeah , but it makes it very difficult , if you got a play off , it gets , if you get people on the same same score
29 Assemblies were the pivot : so long as the king could secure attendance , he could refill his coffers , exercise patronage , and maintain consensus at the same time .
30 The Professional version offers the additional feature of being able to make adjustments to the stitch layout from within the COLOUR PATTERN section , so you can edit your colour pattern and stitch layout at the same time if you want to .
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