Example sentences of "[det] up [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will be seen that English law does this up to a point , and in the process seems to accept social-defence arguments as reasons for departing from several of the principles set out in Chapter 3 .
2 Burton 's local fame grew in contradicting this up to a point — but only up to a point .
3 I drew this up as a sketch showing , in essence , a section of the city .
4 What really sets this up as a fraud and complete load of tripe , is the ridiculous assumption on the part of the forger , that my entire squad of players would happily sign a document whose sole aim is to get me removed from the manager 's seat .
5 Six months later , in September , I followed this up with a circular to health authorities requiring them to put their services out to tender .
6 Leslie Orgel ( Salk ) recalled that only two weeks after Watson and Crick 's first paper appeared , the entire biochemistry department at Oxford travelled to Cambridge to view the structure and followed this up with a telegram : CONGRATULATIONS ! ( signed ) GENE .
7 It had been one of Gregory 's first acts as pope to invest and consecrate him as bishop of Die , and to follow this up with a letter to the count of Die which contains a first draft of his later decree prohibiting the investiture of bishops by secular rulers .
8 ‘ I picked this up from a travel agent in Marlow yesterday afternoon . ’
9 It 's not just because this illness is self- , it 's self-inflicted er , cause , er , you 've obviously picked this up from a variety of other er , I 'd say , sources , but you also pick it up in you know , blood transfusions situation .
10 We picked these up on a visit we made to the island of Haiti a few years ago , and they 've become part of our Christmas celebrations ever since . ’
11 Whether he wants to get F M onto the agenda and firm that up as a date for a meeting .
12 And I 'm not setting that up as a record to be broken or a
13 Well we 'll , we 'll set that up with a board of its own erm , as an operating board and each of our divisions has an operating board erm , and that means it will have a finance director , it will have , and it will have a Chief Executive er , and there 'll be one or two other people on that board , such as er , Mark , Development Director er , and er , we 'll go from there .
14 that up of a night and he has it going all night
15 I shall zip that up in a minute .
16 And I erm , just picked that up in a garage some place , thought it was such a cool , I just really liked the picture .
17 Mm I think if you try and do it here , so you make it into a shoe shape , you curl it all up into a shoe shape , where do you think it 's going to go ?
18 She had already thrown yesterday 's damp tea-leaves on to the parlour carpet , and when she had finished in the surgery would take a small , hard hand-brush and , down on her knees yet again , would painstakingly sweep them all up into a dustpan , to remove the previous day 's dirt and dust , Miss Mates said , and purify the air .
19 The tapes are erased afterwards what they do is somebody types it all up and erm then they build it all up on a computer .
20 You could put your hand up and ask questions , and you were n't all up at a level on him , he was at the same level as you , talking , and he knew all our abilities so he explained things more clearly to us .
21 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
22 Over the past year , I 've come across a dozen or more men of my age who are with women who simply are n't willing to give it all up for a baby .
23 Do n't you agree that you never know what you are going to find there but on the other hand if you ignore the expiry date and crunch it all up with a lot of jam , or even a lot of Nivea , it all goes down the red lane and things start to brighten up ?
24 Of course , dustproof bags , cases for machines , and strong plastic covers for papers and boxes of computer disks can be a great help , but above all , keep a constant check on all your materials and if you are away from your house for a long time , lock them all up in a metal trunk or barrel and ask a local friend to check your house for termites from time to time .
25 The latter news softens the impact of the former up to a point .
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