Example sentences of "[det] who [vb base] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 As we progress up the scale of profit-taking , we find others who sell at small craft fairs and those who find an outlet through local shops , until we come at last to the favoured few who sell at the prestigious crafts fairs which Hugh prefers .
2 Many who stay at the abbey do so at the suggestion of members of the Iona Community , of which there are some 200 scattered throughout the UK .
3 Serving the customer involves more members of the company than just those who serve at the customer interface .
4 Those who act at the place of business must be doing so on the business of the company and not their own account ; the crucial question has been said to be , ‘ Does the agent in carrying out the foreign corporation 's business make a contract for the corporation , or does the agent in carrying out his own business , sell a contract for the foreign corporation ? ’ .
5 Wasters , as old Sam once said , ‘ are their own worst enemies , though they are generally found amongst the ranks of those who rail at the injustices of the world . ’
6 The outlook is not entirely bleak and it is reckoned that of those who enrol at a clinic , for whatever reason , about 40 per cent will be drug-free within ten years , although within that time , too , 15 per cent of opiate addicts may well be dead .
7 This is certainly true of Mrs Wood and Things Past & Present ; of Scott Anderson and the stamps ; of Arthur Crawford and the plants ; and of those who help at the winter work-parties in the cellars where the books are stored .
8 I suppose it is an inevitable reaction of those who look at the world with questioning eyes , to regard everyone with suspicion and , after a whole day tracking spies on this spycatcher weekend , our senses were certainly finely tuned .
9 Ultimately the responsibility lies with the board , as the most experienced businessmen in the company and also , particularly , as those who look at the corporation as a whole .
10 Ulph emphasizes the need to consider different groups in the labour force separately e.g. those who work at the tax threshold ( mainly part-time married women ) and the currently unemployed — so that their particular incentives can be analysed .
11 But this easiness on the eye , and Michael Hordem 's predictably effective narration , will not deter criticism From those who demur at the implicit assumption that man 's continuing affection for gardens arises out of a folk memory of being cast out of the Garden of Eden and a consequent urge to recreate this paradise .
12 Those who play at the stars will never reach them .
13 For those who live at the home of British Motor-racing , it may sometimes be noisy and congested and it may take time to be served in the local shop .
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