Example sentences of "[det] than a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 And political apathy reigns : despite the significance of the election , fewer than a quarter of Mrs Molina 's constituents bothered to vote in the run-off .
2 On the northern fringe of the wood-pasture belt fewer than a quarter of the people of Blofield , East Flegg and Walsham hundreds in Norfolk had less than £2 , almost as many having £5 — £9 .
3 These figures suggest that slightly fewer than a quarter of our most influential church musicians are professionals , in the sense that they derive the major part of their income from music .
4 However , it quickly emerged that this declaration was backed by fewer than a quarter of the Platform delegates at the congress .
5 According to Reuters news agency , the draft apparently provided for the election of fewer than a quarter of the 460 Sejm deputies by a first-past-the-post majority vote ; most of the seats would be distributed to parties proportional to the votes won by their national lists of candidates .
6 Fewer than a quarter of 500 men questioned in the survey knew how to do up a bow tie and under half knew the name of the knot in their tie on the day they were interviewed .
7 While Foula has a population of about forty people nowadays , Mykines has fewer than a score of permanent residents , all living in a tight group of picturesque turf-roofed cottages situated on the cliff-top above the landing-place .
8 This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to .
9 After more than a century of classical architecture , the mainstream of which became plainer and duller towards the end of the Georges , it is no wonder that the second Sir Robert wanted to go ‘ Tudor ’ .
10 English China Clays , a company formed at the end of the First World War , inherited the wastelands of more than a century of china clay workings , and then increased their extent .
11 The moral vocabulary of these accusations against sentimentality , leniency and crinolined philanthropy that unfolded in the wake of the great legislative transformations of this era is one which we would find entirely familiar in our own historical time , and which has rolled down to us virtually unchanged across more than a century of resistance to penal reform .
12 If he was of Deiran royal descent , he ended more than a century of Bernician domination .
13 After more than a century of relative obscurity , Gordon 's A Treatise on the Epidemic Puerperal Fever of Aberdeen ( 1795 ) was recognized for what it is , a masterpiece of early epidemiology based on astute clinical observation and written with exceptional clarity .
14 Leading politicians in Britain , particularly in the mid-nineteenth century Liberal Party , scorned the imperial enterprise as no more than a way of offering the unemployable aristocracy a means to enrich itself at heavy cost to the innocent .
15 In the West , a car is more than a way of travelling ; it represents freedom and flexibility and is a potent status symbol .
16 They were usually minor KGB agents , and the two-thousand-dollar charge was nothing more than a way of increasing the Soviet Union 's foreign exchange .
17 So reading becomes little more than a way of replaying Hollywood 's movies in our minds .
18 Mr Mitchell , clearly reflecting on his transaction , commented later : ‘ In this day and age , farming is far more than a way of life — it 's a business and you 've got to be in there to protect the right to keep sheep .
19 As an identity , the quantity theory is no more than a way of calculating the velocity of circulation .
20 ‘ Nonsense , you are little more than a slip of a girl , you would be prey to all sorts of men , fortune hunters and the like .
21 These texts attributed to Phocylides and to Hecataeus of Miletus are at least two centuries later — with the difference that " Phocylides " covers a forgery , whereas " Hecataeus of Miletus " is a wrong attribution , little more than a slip of the pen .
22 An oil tank behind with a three foot bund wall all around in which more than a foot of mobile oil stands .
23 It fears that the ¥200 billion school project will amount to little more than a bail-out of struggling Japanese computer makers — such as NEC , which made its first ever consolidated loss , of ¥44 billion , in the year to March .
24 The exhibition therefore is nothing more than a rerun of Celant 's European power-broking of the lat 1960s , a European and specifically a Milanese challenge to America 's claim to the avant-garde which nevertheless included many successful ( male ) American artists of the period .
25 Brooks Brothers ' past success was based on the personal touch and more than a soupcon of snobbery .
26 He did not believe that long discussion was of great value , rather that a considered insight or idea produced far more than a wealth of verbal expression .
28 ‘ We estimate they brought more than a kilo of heroin into France . ’
29 British Coal , one of the few companies still nationalised , has the unenviable task of proving to its customers that it is more than a dinosaur of the industrial revolution , slouching towards privatisation and a slow demise .
30 Sasbach is really no more than a scatter of houses , a couple of shops , a garage and a church set down in the middle of vineyards and orchards .
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