Example sentences of "[det] time i [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Picking up the rod determined not to make a hash of it this time I engaged the bail arm and belted the take .
2 This time I took the temperature without incident .
3 During this time I browsed the book-stores , and resisted the temptation to steal two or three interesting volumes , among them De Gaulle 's foreign policy monograph .
4 There was another time I had the same feeling .
5 Each time I chose the smallest flowers that I could find of each type — the larkspur flowers can range from this shape to nearly twice the size , so it will be worth while hunting through your collection of pressed items both to get some inspiration for your miniature and to determine your colour scheme .
6 Even with the bustle of oil activity , Scapa was a lonely place with an aura of sadness , forever haunted by its sad history of scuttled and torpedoed ships ; each time I passed the Royal Oak buoy on our way into Scapa Pier I was reminded of this history .
7 It was an effort even to fetch coal from outside , and a herculean struggle was called for each time I opened the garage doors which faced the prevailing gales .
8 During that time I had the misfortune to visit the infamous Boggo road gaol ; I stress that I was a visitor .
9 In that time I followed the course of the massive city walls which over the centuries had sustained so many assaults before falling at last to the Turkish onslaught .
10 I asked him not to say any more to me , since at that time I represented the Labour Party and felt it quite possible that if he brought any action I would be called upon to act for them .
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