Example sentences of "[det] of all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But nearly half of all the pasta eaten in Britain is the canned variety , which often owes little to its Italian ancestry .
2 Roughly half of all the CO 2 produced dissolves in the oceans , where some is photosynthesized by plants , is taken up by trees or is taken up within limestone ( calcium carbonate ) .
3 Half of all the meat eaten in the world is pig .
4 Britain is a major market for US plywood — about a million cubic metres of the stuff comes across the Atlantic every year , nearly half of all the plywood we import .
5 Half of all the way round so how many would that be ?
6 Like the bricks in such a house , the protein molecules of the body are replaced ( ‘ turned over ’ ) so that , on average , half of all the protein molecules are changed every two weeks .
7 They will be able to keep half of all the treasure they find ( unrealistically generous , certainly ) but it will all have to be declared .
8 Mr Geoffrey Hillcoat , Durham county council group traffic manager for road safety , told Darlington Cycling Forum on Monday that serious accidents in the town accounted for almost half of all the cycle injuries in the county last year .
9 In a report on biodiversity , entitled Bringing Rio Home : Biodiversity in our Food and Farming , SAFE shows that in 1992 three varieties accounted for more than half of all the seed sown of winter wheat , spring wheat , barley , oats , rye , sugar beet and rapeseed ; the highest proportions were for spring wheat ( 86 per cent ) and oats ( 77 per cent ) .
10 In the mid-eighteenth century , Germany was not — and never had been — a notable centre of classical studies , and least of all a centre of Greek studies .
11 Nobody , least of all a Party boss , could be expected to watch , still more record , domestic television output !
12 She was going to edge him into a situation where it would be openly discourteous to refuse her , and nothing in his education or his upbringing had prepared him to be discourteous to anyone , least of all a woman .
13 Least of all a woman .
14 Few would argue to this day , though , least of all the legion of pianists who have since played ( including myself ) and recorded this masterpiece , that Horowitz 's highly musical and white-hot interpretation remains an unchallenged tour de force .
15 It is that industry itself has come to hold a position of exclusive predominance among human interests , which no single interest , and least of all the provision of the material means of existence , is fit to occupy .
16 At the present point in time there are those who are of the opinion that no sacrifice is too great for our democracy , least of all the sacrifice of democracy itself to the power of the judges and enslaving legal limitations .
17 Nobody , least of all the press corps plane-spotting outside Incirlik air base , believed the first official tale : that the waves of American aircraft returning with their bomb pods empty had been off on a training exercise .
18 No-one pretends that preventing further tragedies will be an easy matter , least of all the mountain rescue teams whose job it frequently is to haul the body-bags from the hills .
19 She felt it unnecessary to mention some of the incidents that had taken place over the last few days , least of all the confrontation at the cottage the previous night .
20 The NSA is now so large , so complex , and so secret that no one in America , least of all the president or Congress , has any idea what it is doing or how sensibly the taxpayers ' money is being spent .
21 Least of all the chemist . ’
22 I would not have entrusted , to use Jennie Lee 's pungent phrase , the conduct of a chip shop to him , least of all the nation 's international affairs , but I could not say with any firm conviction that they have necessarily been handled better by his successors of either party .
23 He found that of all the nutrient criteria , the two that were best able to predict reproductive success were protein intake and energy intake .
24 The porter , who had once been a sailor , told me that of all the saloon passengers only one ever visited the men below decks and his name was Charles Rocke .
25 The problems of converting industries designed for peacetime production to the manufacturing of military equipment were immense , but by 1944 US war production was double that of all the Axis powers combined .
26 We were agreed that of all the billeting areas , Bedford would probably be our choice .
27 That the population of the parish and village of Bowmore amounts to about three thousand souls ; and that of all the population not more than three hundred regularly attend church .
28 His theatrical successes exceeded those of all the rest of the cast added together ( and the money Paul Lexington had agreed with his agent quite possibly exceeded their total too ) .
29 It was all over after 41 laps when Hill 's engine blew … his hopes and those of all the home fans were up in the smoke …
30 Her eyes swept across his face , and suddenly she had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him that it was n't important at all , that she was , inside , what he 'd called a real woman , one who wanted a home and children to fill it , and most of all a husband , a man who would take her in his arms and kiss her until nothing mattered except him , kiss her as Nicolo had , make her want him as she 'd wanted Nicolo …
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