Example sentences of "[det] of [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 About half of the Blacks and Whites were tried in the magistrates ' courts and one-fifth of the Asians ( see Table 3 ) .
2 About half of the emigrants and all of the heavy cargo went by sea and by then numerous clippers were prepared to beat regularly from New York to San Francisco in a hundred days .
3 Almost 1,300 manufacturing enterprises have been sold to date , along with most department stores and restaurants and half of the hotels and chemist 's shops .
4 Only half of the men and a third of the women had indulged in intercourse before their twentieth birthday and only about two thirds before their twenty-fourth birthday .
5 Second , although Ellis and Muller found no difference between their distinctiveness and observation training conditions , there was evidence for a superiority of the distinctiveness group over one given equivalence training in which they had to apply one label to half of the shapes and another label to the rest .
6 The weather has been wonderful and some of the monuments and art are amazing .
7 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
8 But the storms smashed away parts of the coastline , pushed back the shore by up to eight feet in places and hurled rocks and boulders on to some of the sites and the path walked by visitors .
9 Fragments of paper were missing from some of the pages and quite a few names were faded , some almost beyond recognition .
10 Before the shelters were ready , the sea became rough and some of the women and children had to be taken ashore .
11 Nisodemus glared at him as he went on , ‘ Now , we really should be sending some of the women and children to the — ’
12 Well , I think some of the women and a lot of the men thought right well we 'll just keep it you know between the men , it 's our problem , we 'll get it sorted .
13 How he had been Juan something living in a Mexican pueblo before the Apaches came raiding and took some of the women and children .
14 And I put it to the some of the women and men cleaners you see , How would like a rest day roster ?
15 How might managers of industries describe some of the advantages and the disadvantages of being in south east England ?
16 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of these different sources ?
17 Asked what was in the fresh package , she said repeatedly : ‘ We are looking at a whole range of options which will help unemployed people , in particular long-term unemployed , to keep in touch with the workplace , keep their skills updated and use their time more productively than some of the rules and regulations currently allow . ’
18 Some of the lines and symbols appeared across the back of the Doctor 's jacket .
19 Some of the lawyers and justices , resplendent in their silken robes , held nosegays to their faces to fend off the odour .
20 He added : ‘ In common with many other directors of finance , I am concerned about some of the conclusions and calculations in the Touche Ross report .
21 ( h ) I have no evidence at all from her mother or from any other source that Miss T. 's following of some of the beliefs and some of the practices is so well thought out or deeply considered or sincerely held that the conviction is one which would necessarily lead her to an irrevocable refusal .
22 Others were of the opinion that during her stint in the Wogan slot she seemed bored by some of the interviewees and asked trite questions .
23 This leads to tensions which are somewhat higher than original for some of the harpsichords and somewhat lower than original for the later pianos .
24 It takes a hard heart not to get involved in at least some of the games and sports on offer — especially when everything 's free — and even aerobics taken on greater appeal when there 's an inviting pool to plunge into to cool down .
25 The student is given the opportunity either of broadening his areas of study so that he learns some of the principles and methods of several disciplines or of concentrating on the narrower range in order to become a specialist after suitable experience , training or further study .
26 The following quotations illustrate some of the frustrations and misunderstandings that could hamper the best-laid plans .
27 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
28 We also interviewed some of the advisers and a pupil who was ‘ shadowed ’ during the inspection .
29 I 've personally had problems with one doctor cos he was out of date , he was n't you know , was n't aware of some of the treatments and I had to actually enlighten him to some of the the treatments that was available for people !
30 To add realism to the design , colour some of the foxgloves and sunflowers with fabric dyes or embroidery .
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