Example sentences of "[det] question [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , may I declare an interest in this question as a user of the British Library .
2 If a child of the late twentieth century asked this question of a parent , it is unlikely that he would receive an answer that would be intelligible to him .
3 to enter just answer this question on a postcard .
4 To win a pair , just answer this question on a postcard : Did Torvill and Dean win GOLD or BRONZE medals at the 1984 Winter Olympics ?
5 Dr McNab had asked this question with a smile .
6 I 'm somewhat surprised to get asked this question by a youngster , Mr Wyman .
7 The schedule designer must for every be putting himself or herself into the respondents ' shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be asked this question by a stranger who just turned up a few minutes ago out of the blue .
8 Think it over carefully and if necessary seek advice on this question from a solicitor or CAB .
9 Thus , if an interviewer were to ask some questions of a respondent in one way and to another in another way , the researcher could not be sure what effect this variation in the administration of the questions had on the responses received .
10 The Jimmy Young Show 's formula of tea and chat and a few questions on a postcard from Radio 2 listeners was her favourite method of reaching the general public .
11 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
12 ‘ Would it not be better if you were asking us such questions with a beer in front of yourself and the taste of it warming your throat ?
13 SCOTVEC is tackling these questions on a number of fronts , and some early progress reports are given inside this Update .
14 He answers these questions with a breeziness and a self-confidence which on an academic podium would have been totally unacceptable .
15 The expansion of the study of family history in recent years , and the coming together of historical and sociological concerns in this field in particular , makes it possible at least to attempt answers to these questions in a way that would not have been possible even ten years ago , for lack of appropriate sources of evidence .
16 No purely qualitative study is likely to answer all questions about a flow .
17 In general , unless the questions indicate the contrary specifically , all questions in a test paper should be regarded as of equal weight .
18 We argued for a more discriminating balance of questions , statements and instructions ; for fewer pseudo-questions and more questions of a kind which encourage children to reason and speculate ; for more opportunities for children themselves to ask their own questions and have these addressed ; for oral feedback to children which without being negative is more exact and informative than mere praise ; for both questioning and feedback to strike a balance between the retrospective function of assessing and responding to what has been learned so far , and the prospective function of taking the child 's learning forward ; and for much more use to be made of structured pupil-pupil interaction both as a learning tool and as a means of helping teachers to function in a more considered manner and therefore more effectively .
19 She had seen me on television and remembered the skinny little boy , Linford Christie , who had asked her all those questions on a flight from Kingston twenty-one years earlier .
20 A district judge may make an order ( N 280 ) referring any question to a referee for inquiry and report if the sum claimed or amount involved does not exceed £1,000 , or in any other case with the consent of the parties ( Ord 19 , r 8 ) .
21 ‘ There should not be any question of a bowler getting any outside help — I am dead against that .
22 Any question of a coup or a move towards popular democracy had been snuffed out .
23 Mr Patten is considering his future after rejecting any question of a by-election being created to return him to Westminster forthwith ; he has also so far declined a move to the House of Lords .
24 Put the answers to both questions on a postcard , with your name , age and address , and send to : Terminator Comp. , Blackhorse Road , London , SE99 7TY .
25 Write the answers to both questions on a postcard and send it to : Plumrose contest , Daily Mirror , Dept P1585 , NCH , Corby , Northants NN17 1NN .
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