Example sentences of "[det] work [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But just how does this work in actual practice ?
2 Whatever the reasons for Labour 's weak performance in the 1987 election , few working within urban government can regard this as anything but unfortunate .
3 Of course this works for other dimensions too ; it 's the D/T radio that 's important .
4 This works by increasing combustion speed during idling and low-load conditions by ‘ spinning ’ the flame front by means of an air-jet that is tangential to the combustion chamber .
5 This works in different degrees in different media .
6 Most full-time , qualified youth and community workers ( around 5000 of them in Britain in 1986 ) are employed by LEAs , although a few work for Social Services Departments .
7 These work by absorbing mineral salts from the water and so help in controlling algae for clear water .
8 These work alongside other factors such as trends in the distribution of employment opportunities at both regional and more local scales and changes in the preferences of individuals about the types of places that they would like to live in .
9 They all worked in scuffed brigandines and thick caps , most often with their helmets on top , and they were chilled with weariness , and grim and lewd by turns in the raw , brittle moods that went before battle .
10 He said that it was more important than ever that all worked in financial services knew what their company stood for and it was the task of leaders to distil and instil company values .
11 There was no cinema , no dance-hall , not even a café , and as we had no centre in which to foregather ( save The Galleon ) , and were all working on different shifts , it was impossible to take any initiative in organising group entertainment .
12 The laboratories carried out all work for general practitioners , National Health Service , and private hospitals in the area .
13 Indeed , Francis Crick had gone so far as to suggest , at least half seriously , that all work in molecular biology and biochemistry on anything else should stop until E. coli was ‘ solved ’ — whatever might be meant by such a solution .
14 Schools can not only make crime prevention part of their curriculum by organising talks and projects , but can also help by allowing voluntary groups to use their facilities , especially those working with young people .
15 June 5 — Day of Recollection for those working with young people , Ampleforth College .
16 In the total sample of those working with deaf people described in Kyle , Woll and Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981 ) only 23 per cent were native users of sign language ( i.e. had deaf parents ) .
17 As was apparent in the introductory chapters , sign language and education have historically been kept apart by those working with deaf people .
18 Personal relations among researchers working on Aplysia , and between the Aplysia group in general and those working with other molluscans , such as Dan Alkon and his Woods Hole colleagues studying Hermissenda ( Chapter 7 ) , have not always been easy and were sometimes abrasive , to the extent that they attracted science writer Susan Allport to devote an entire book to them .
19 By the blurring of the division between those needing residential care and those needing nursing home care this privatisation is being carried out by stealth and is often not recognised by those working with elderly people .
20 Amongst those working with human populations in endemic areas there is accord that the intensity of reinfection following treatment , as assessed by faecal egg counts , is negatively correlated with levels of immunoglobulin E ( A. Dessein , INSERM ; D. Dunne , University of Cambridge ) , lending support to the view that IgE protects against schistosomes .
21 Those working with severely-handicapped youngsters will celebrate as landmarks advances that are barely perceptible to the uninitiated : ‘ Sally turned over the page on her own today ! ’
22 Nor do they benefit from statutory benefits such as sickness or holiday pay , or health regulations — important for those working with hazardous materials such as adhesives .
23 Its anxiety and the pressure that was placed on the safety committee representatives speak volumes : they reveal that not everyone is treated equally in the North sea , and that , on some North sea installations , there is still a marked divergence between the recourse available to those working for the operator and that accorded to those working for contracting companies .
24 Younger company secretaries , for example , can earn £40,000-£50,000 a year , while more experienced ones or those working for large companies can earn £70,000 a year .
25 Plus Points : Gives privacy to those working on confidential documents , or in an open plan office .
26 Plus Points : Gives privacy to those working on confidential documents , or in an open plan office .
27 An exchange of visits has in fact already been initiated between those working on rural development in the Western Isles and in southern Italy .
28 It is useful to return to the earlier typology of hazards ( Fig. 10.1 ) and to stress the links that might be made between those working on natural hazards and those working in the socio-economic domains .
29 That all teachers , particularly those working at secondary level , require work to make them aware of the nature of language , in addition to work on language in particular subject areas .
30 That all teachers , particularly those working at secondary level , require work to make them aware of the nature of language , in addition to work on language in particular subject areas .
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