Example sentences of "[det] way [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Some ways of filling the coffers …
2 If the contingent environmental events are then altered so that certain ways of performing the skill are preferred to others , then some ways of performing the behaviour will be selectively reinforced at the expense of others .
3 Some ways of keeping the discussion calm and rational :
4 Apart from a cinema , there were no real forms of entertainment ; mixing with Servicemen 's wives would have been one of the few ways of passing the days .
5 This has been because social psychology has had few ways of handling the macro-level political , economic and social change which has been of such great interest to sociologists .
6 For women trying to survive in the game of life there are few ways of improving the balance of power within the family ( or within the workplace ) .
7 There are few ways of increasing the speed at which your body metabolizes food , but this is a very valuable one .
8 Similarly the engineering of plants to produce their own crop-protection chemicals and nutrients , especially nitrogen , could go some way towards offsetting the often detrimental side-effects that artificially produced pesticides and fertilisers can exert on the environment ( sections 6.3 and 6.4 ) .
9 Mr. Galbraith : The Minister has certainly gone some way towards clarifying the position , and it would not be proper for me to be mean-spirited .
10 Although the legislation before us will provide some elements and go some way towards meeting the criticisms of Government policy outlined in the Woolf report , it is important to realise that there is still a great deal that needs to be done .
11 In general they did not seek harsh retributory sentences once order had been restored and in a surprisingly large number of cases actually went some way towards meeting the wishes of the crowd by doing something to encourage a lowering of prices and initiating or participating in relief measures .
12 Washington even seemed prepared to go some way towards meeting the desire of the USSR to revise the treaties relating to the rights of passage by warships through the Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean — an issue with a long and complicated history reaching back into tsarist times .
13 By the spring of 1937 the Largo Caballero government had gone some way towards taming the process of social revolution and absorbing the militias into a regular army built around the Communists ' own Fifth Regiment .
14 Willie Carson gets the leg up on Nafuth , who should go some way towards repaying the 500,000 dollars he cost owner Hamdan AlMaktoum by winning the EBF Dunkirk Maiden Stakes ( Division One ) .
15 This defeat of Ecgfrith represented a decisive stage in the delineation of the frontier between Mercians and northern Angles — so that henceforth the power of the king of the northern Angles was more narrowly defined as north-Humbrian — and went some way towards redressing the débâle of Wulfhere 's last year or so .
16 He was also invited to conduct a Mass of his own before the imperial court , which , according to Leopold , went some way towards repairing the damage their enemies had done by preventing the opera .
17 This goes some way towards typing the organism causing the disease .
18 Other than that last point ( which goes some way towards alienating the Champ 25SE from its natural ally , the Stratocaster ) this is a good , solidly made amplifier , which has had a lot of thought put into its design , is likely to maintain its resale value and deserves examination .
19 The pain of childbirth is legendary , but positive thinking and modern methods of pain relief can go some way towards easing the situation
20 The new student hostel will go some way towards easing the problem , providing an extra two hundred and eighty places .
21 Through a series of reforms , most notably the retiring on full pay of some 8,000 officers , Azaña went some way towards achieving the first of these goals .
22 Leading lights of the service sector , headed by Racal , could produce results that go some way towards alleviating the gloomy economic prospects again this week , even if Friday 's poor inflation figure ca n't be glossed over .
23 Most serfs lived in miserable poverty , although the communal traditions of medieval villages went some way towards alleviating the worst forms of hardship .
24 This had been especially the case in budgetary matters and the foundation of the CBO went some way towards correcting the situation .
25 The Liber Historiae Francorum went some way towards connecting the evidence of Sulpicius Alexander with the Trojan migration legend by making the supposed father of Chlodio , Faramund , the son of Sunno , thus uniting the Trojan and Merovingian families .
26 Nor is the provision of chapter 41 far removed in spirit and intention from the statute of Gloucester of 1278 , which went some way towards enlarging the traditional right of a lord to distrain chattels of a tenant who failed to render his dues into a right to recover the property involved .
27 However , the Commission has recently issued a notice which goes some way towards defining the elements of them .
28 The theory also goes some way towards answering the question of why people speak indirectly .
29 In the chapters which follow , I will attempt to offer a more satisfying and , hopefully , iconoclastic alternative ; satisfying because it will place the explanatory emphasis on definite social processes which perpetuate the invidious position of blacks both in and out of sport ; and iconoclastic because it will at least go some way towards smashing the outdated image of the black man as possessing natural physical abilities that are determined , in the last instance , by his race .
30 Ford 's short presidency went some way towards restoring the unity of the nation ; it left no great mark otherwise , but he was sufficiently respected by 1976 to gain the Republican nomination against his main rival , Ronald Reagan .
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