Example sentences of "[det] who [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As we progress up the scale of profit-taking , we find others who sell at small craft fairs and those who find an outlet through local shops , until we come at last to the favoured few who sell at the prestigious crafts fairs which Hugh prefers .
2 Yes it will , and the few who slip through the net will be denied legal aid to argue their case .
3 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
4 Some who enrol on a course may also find managing their work load and domestic arrangements traumatic and feel guilty , undermined by lack of support from partner , parents or children or emotionally blackmailed .
5 The farm is one of the best in the county and its steading high above Dunure is a well-known landmark for all who sail on the lower reaches of the Clyde estuary .
6 All radical groups have such an aim and the method of variation can be found in all who reflect upon the world ; it is certainly central to Powell 's method .
7 Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of war :
8 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
9 In these circumstances , it is required that information about preferred reproductive patterns and the regulation of births should be provided to all who share in the decision-making processes .
10 There is now a chance to secure a comprehensive settlement based on security for Israel , justice for the Palestinians and peace for all who live in the region .
11 The mountains have an undisputed lure , the Russian people a warmth and generosity that will come as a very pleasant surprise to all who arrive with an open mind and a readiness to respond with a smile .
12 Certainly all who believe in the value of the Old Testament must take criticism seriously , as they will be the first to want to establish an accurate text and be sure of its meaning .
13 Many children , it was said , ‘ actually begin their downward course of crime by reason of the burglary and pickpocket scenes they have witnessed ’ : ‘ All who care for the moral well-being and education of the child will set their faces like flint against this new form of excitement . ’
14 A calculation can be made to pass such costs ( or benefits ) onto all who enter into the forward contracts by an adjustment to the prevailing spot rate to give a forward rate .
16 All who work within the education service are acutely aware of the pressure for change at all levels .
17 But one of the unkind truths of tourism is that backward places are more appealing because they have changed much less ; the Upper Soule , in its more inaccessible parts , is just what many who come to the Pyrenees want : rawly natural .
18 Behind the scenes , many who sit on the Conservative Benches are betraying their concern even before the Bill has received its Second Reading .
19 Many who stay at the abbey do so at the suggestion of members of the Iona Community , of which there are some 200 scattered throughout the UK .
20 This remark will seem preposterous to many who work in the subject , because Realism has been the target of severe criticism and most scholars now claim to be working with another approach altogether .
21 Although a perfect antidote to those who yearn for a return of those days .
22 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
23 Those who sit on the Treasury Bench make claims about average net income increases .
24 The separate phases of education and training should be made visible to those who contribute to the process — teachers , employers , trainers and funders .
25 Those who come for the lakes will not be disappointed either .
26 ‘ We are not aiming at a local audience , but are bearing the EEC in mind , and of course all those who come to the Frankfurt Book Fair at the same time . ’
27 The same report re-announced the prosecutions of specific groups ( street traders , casual workers , mini cab drivers and despatch riders in London , the South Coast , Birmingham and Scotland ) with the suggestion that a larger number of claimants are involved than those who come to the courts .
28 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
29 Why should those who come to the Park for enjoyment and healthy exercise — walking , cycling , jogging etc — have to put up with the danger , the noise , and the pollution created by those who are looking only to their own convenience ?
30 As luck would have it , my best friend is the most wonderful cook in the world , and her contributions to any cottage holiday more than compensate for those who come with a tin of sardines in tomato sauce and a Pot Noodle .
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