Example sentences of "[det] would [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Discussion of this would lead us into great complexity and it is appropriate to give a largely phenomenological description .
2 This would bring us to something akin to the fundamental propositions of science .
3 He himself spent hours in the chapel reserved for cadets , praying to the image of Rogal Dorn , and to the Emperor , attempting to recapture the moment when he had flown through fire , sure that this would stand him in good stead in battle .
4 This would enable them to " erect a price wall to deter curiosity " , claims FoE .
5 ‘ Ah , I see you 're conservative in your ways , ’ he sneered , expecting that this would goad me into Satanism .
6 This would do it for them , would n't it .
7 However this would lock us into a service led system , with very little room for the expression of user choice or the tailoring of services to the individual .
8 This would restrict you to rather few banks these days .
9 This would make it between 4 and 15 times as expensive as power from either coal-fired power stations or the new breed of combined-cycle gas turbine plants .
10 Knowing a little of his circumstances by this time — at any rate , I knew what his job was — I asked him if he realised this would involve him in considerable expense .
11 This would put them among the countries allowed to continue production after the new treaty comes into force .
12 I think if we had a if we if we tried , as you say , labelled the leads and tried to keep the leads together with the video recorders and perhaps stick a think on the video recorder saying which leads belong to this particular thing then the problem would be 'cos this would provide you with a checklist whenever you lent it out as to whether it was coming back , or provide the leads in other words
13 I had some fruit in my car and this would sustain me during the round .
14 This would help me in ensuring that project staff are alert to the need to establish links when new initiatives are being considered .
15 This would allow them to ‘ demonstrate the high standards of training which they could achieve within the framework of their own individual organisations ’ .
16 Some would take them to the top half of the dale , and the others the bottom half .
17 That 'd bring them from their beds . ’
18 The latter would regard it as their natural right . )
19 DIESEL fuel needs a new PR agent to clean up its image in the minds of the public if it is to take its place as the efficient , environmental fuel of the future that many would like it to be .
20 That would leave them in a worse position than they began , because all the T'ang can offer them is money .
21 The National Health has told us one and a half percent if we want an extra day 's holiday , if we want an extra day 's holiday , then we would have to take three days , we could take two , that would leave us with half a percent .
22 If you work on a seven point five figure , then you get up to twenty seven thousand four hundred and twenty seven hours , erm , before next year , erm , That would leave us with a difficulty I think , because if I were , if we went ahead with the idea of recruiting two people now er we would need to get rid of four of them by , oh four people all together , erm , by er the next financial year , which clearly is not terribly sensible .
23 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
24 Pages that had seemed worthless a few days before were now pored over , in the hope that they 'd yield some clue , encoded in the fanciful excesses of Chant 's idiosyncratic and ill-punctuated prose , that would lead him to some fresh comprehension of the times and their movers .
25 That would bring you into Egyptian , old Hebraic and Phoenician .
26 More than one bride 's father has been heard to say that he did not want to have a large engagement party if the wedding was to follow within a year because that would involve him in the organization and expense of ‘ two weddings ’ .
27 That would place him in the top 1/2 per cent of intelligence for this country .
28 A technical malfunction , perhaps , that would place it on a collision course ? ’
29 ‘ There is nothing , ’ she said caustically , ‘ that you could do that would make me in any way feel good . ’
30 That would make it off the root directory .
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