Example sentences of "[det] would [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There would , of course , be a temptation for small partnerships and sole traders to convert to the Limited Company form of operation just to avoid tax on distribution to the proprietors , so it might be necessary to levy a Stamp duty on companies as part of their annual running costs ; this would compensate the national exchequer for any abuse .
2 This would generate the extra revenue needed to pay the higher cost of replacing nuclear energy with biomass , compared to replacing it with fossil fuels .
3 This would generate the following entry :
4 What a locked-room mystery this would present the old girl with , if he could get in without her hearing him , and get undressed and slide in beside her !
5 This would affect the estimated 26,000,000 Russians in other Soviet and former Soviet republics by extending rights to those who had not taken local citizenship .
6 Assuming £100 a foot to build 60,000 square feet , this would bring the total cost to £20m , a scandalous figure for any efficient organisation to even contemplate .
7 This would bring the total number of hours under both orders down to 240 .
8 This would bring the American manufacturers , Upjohn , up to £30-£40 000 per year .
9 This would fit the many reports that had the young mother dying in childbirth , for had it been one of the aforementioned ladies Wild Will might well have been rather proud of himself .
10 This would slow the whole party to the pace of the one who walked and greatly reduce their chances .
11 This would drag the underlying asthenosphere along and promote a compensatory upward movement within the mantle under mid-oceanic ridges .
12 This would serve the general welfare by facilitating the development of large-scale business enterprises , which if left alone to pursue their own interests would also further the interests of society .
13 Mr Bourne mentioned a fuse incorporated in plaited binder-twine ; this would explain the deep scorch marks .
14 This would explain the one-to-one ratio of infection that exists just as clearly as heterosexual intercourse .
15 This would explain the great effort expended in moving the stones long distances : they had a specific quality and function .
16 This would explain the Egptian influence , which was popular after Nelson 's victories on the Nile .
17 This would explain the rapid rise to maturity of the likes of Marshall , Patterson and Ambrose .
18 The male does not live as long as the female , and this would explain the relative paucity of males .
19 This would eliminate the nuclear missiles of most concern to both sides : Soviet SS-20 and older weapons would be removed ; NATO cruise and Pershing II missiles would not be deployed .
20 This would eliminate the worst cases of cruelty and would substantially reduce the number of whales killed , as only those beached would be gaffed and killed , and the rest could be driven back to sea .
21 Parish councillors thought that if the steep banks could be planted with shrubs and low growing trees this would hold the steep banks either side of the path .
22 This would make the European art market more competitive and , in particular , it would encourage the art trade in those member states which at present charge VAT on the full price .
23 This would strengthen the theoretical foundations for numerical modelling , thus permitting accurate reconstructions of the past and realistic predictions of future global climate trends .
24 This would deny the national curriculum one of its greatest strengths and would expose schools to blame for not playing a co-operative role in the mix of better education and training which is needed .
25 To others , though , including horror film experts as diverse as Robin Wood and Kim Newman , this would seem the right choice .
26 This would put the annual value of the individual home-build market at £1.2 billion without including the market for home extensions and general improvement work .
27 It would also be mandatory for each SE to have a system of employee participation ; this would mirror the Fifth Directive ( see pp. 36–9 ) , but with an additional option based on the law of the Member State of incorporation , provided that employees ' rights of information and consultation were at least those prescribed by the SE employee Directive .
28 This would simulate the manual location of corresponding entries in the present printed editions .
29 Occasionally the proprietors of some of the quality houses would comment on the successful inclusion of travel films in the programme as it was thought that this would impress the casual respectable trade but far more common was the exhibitor who reported a hostile response to short films dealing with ‘ industrial ’ subjects .
30 ( Completely free electrons can not radiate , because this would violate the simultaneous conservation of energy and momentum . )
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