Example sentences of "[noun prp] took a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dersingham took a dark-coloured paisley handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his lips and then his nose with it .
2 Madge Grimsilk took a small hand torch from her bag , pressed the button and placed it behind the forest at one side .
3 Antonio devoured half of his burger in one bite , whilst Susanna took a tiny morsel of lobster .
4 Hardy took a keen interest in their production , although , with two exceptions , the plays themselves were not his work .
5 Ari took a sharp breath , which made Leila jump .
6 Lucy took a deep breath .
7 Hyacinth took a long time to respond .
8 St. David took a close look at his leg ‘ Sorry old son , nothing I can do .
9 Davies points out that Gorbachev took a conservative attitude to Soviet history for the first 18 months of his time in power .
10 Humphrys took a keen interest in sport throughout his life ; he is said to have bowled out W. G. Grace [ q.v. ] three times while at Oxford .
11 Rex took a deep breath , sprang out from hiding and drew down upon the boy in the business suit .
12 Rex took a precautionary step backwards .
13 Bert took a long sniff and looked at Yanto .
14 And as if to brook no further argument , Madame Gautier took a large paper bag and emptied the entire contents of the cookie jar into it .
15 Maisie took a ten-pound note from Robert 's pocket and waved it at him through the glass .
16 Jean took a deep breath .
17 Grimma took a deep breath .
18 ‘ It said — , ’ Sacco took a deep breath , his eyes bulged , and he attempted the foghorn mooing that was human sound : ‘ Bbbllllooooooooddddyyyee kkiiiddddddssss ! ’ ’
19 Out of her pocket Mrs Wright took a revolting bone covered in fat .
20 Andy took a deep breath and patted my head , chuckling .
21 Hari took a deep breath and tasted the tang of salt in the air , soon it would be summer but she would be facing it alone .
22 Hari took a deep breath .
23 Nissen took a personal interest in Constanze 's crusade on behalf of Mozart 's music , and helped her a great deal .
24 Donna took a hurried bath , Julie made them some tea and , as the hands on the clock above the open fireplace crawled round to 3.56 , they both sat down , one on either side of the table in the centre of the room .
25 Shiona took a deep breath .
26 Shiona took a deep breath .
27 Corbett took a deep breath .
28 After a meeting in Damascus on Nov. 9 between Farouq al-Shar'a , the Syrian Foreign Minister , and Farouk Qaddumi , his equivalent in the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , Syria and the PLO took a further step towards the normalization of their relations .
29 Bernice took a few moments break from her search to reach up and snap it off .
30 Hartland took a fine gully catch to dismiss Russell ; Pringle ran one to Lewis 's one-and-a-half followed by a long walk .
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