Example sentences of "[noun prp] came back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
2 Several times Paul Guillaume came back to the house to have his portrait painted in a discreet , dark suit , starched collar and tie , jaunty trilby hat , a gloved hand languidly holding a cigarette and thinly parted lips which seem to be saying ‘ I am a man of exquisite taste ’ .
3 A few weeks later Patrick Ashby came back from the dead and went home to inherit the family house and fortune .
4 After she 'd completed her delivery round of the dressing rooms , Lucy came back into the department , took off her coat and threw it in the corner , and then threw herself onto one of the available chairs with an equal lack of ceremony .
5 The bottle was in his hand when Nicandra came back from the kitchen .
6 Fitzosbert came back into the room and Cranston laid some silver on the table .
7 The second and last time Sheila came back to the group was some months later .
8 When Ben came back to the table he placed the fork with great ceremony to the side of Millie 's plate , saying , ‘ There you are , madam .
9 It was eight o'clock the following morning when Ben came back from the town .
10 As Carrie was pouring out the tea , Mr Carver came back into the room , followed by his wife , and he said to Mick , ‘ Stay out of that scullery from now on .
11 The girl looked up as Ebert came back into the hold , her eyes wide , filled with fear .
12 He put her into bed and drew the sheets over her and Maggie came back to the reality of the lamplit room with a bang as he strode away , collecting his tools of mercy and making for the door without looking at her .
13 Laura was still roughly chastising herself , and attempting to ignore the hard knot of unsatisfied desire still gripping her body , when Ross came back into the room .
14 When Nara came back with the milk , the calf had collapsed , exhausted .
15 Her teeth stopped chattering , and when Matthew came back with the tea and the whisky , he remarked that the colour had come back into her face .
16 Matthew came back into the room .
17 Union Canal was renewed almost immediately by the Grand Junction , and Foxton came back into the picture .
18 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
19 When Fred came back to the table , the two old friends suddenly fused and started to laugh , while Daisy had to wait upon them as their natural audience .
20 Horne came back to the city and grew powerful on his riches .
21 Sophie heaved a long sigh , then looked up as Helen came back to the table , her face drawn and anxious .
22 The daylight faded when Raghunath came back to the teacher tired and dripping .
23 But when the man Harry came back without the pirate , Silver seemed angry — and I believed he was .
24 Hamilton came back into the shop , rolling his shirtsleeves down and buttoning the cuffs .
25 Diane came back without the lab coat .
26 Rose came back into the room , and sat down at her desk .
27 Lee came back into the hide .
28 ‘ Rosa and … and Dolores came back to the house .
29 Connon came back into the room .
30 Then she forgot her tears as Jack came back into the room .
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