Example sentences of "[noun prp] also call for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Darlington councillor David Lyonette also called for a review of the law , adding : ‘ There are too many guns in the wrong hands . ’
2 Albania also called for the recognition of Kosovo ; Bulgaria also recognized Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia [ see p. 38734 for resulting friction with Greece ] .
3 Kohl also called for the " tearing down " of the walls of Dignity Colony ( Colonia Dignidad ) , a secretive community run by German nationals 400 km south of Santiago , the capital , to see what they had to hide .
4 Fine Gael also called for a full public inquiry before exploration began .
5 Baker also called for the release of some dissidents , and relayed complaints about Chinese violation of intellectual property rights [ see also below ] , the export of prison-made goods and trade barriers to US goods .
6 Yeltsin also called for the USSR Supreme Soviet to ban political activity from the USSR Supreme Court , Constitutional Court , Procuracy , armed forces , KGB and Interior Ministry — all still largely controlled by Communist Party members .
7 Lubys also called for an early introduction of the litas , Lithuania 's new currency .
8 Saddam also called for the creation of 11 new divisions , and on Aug. 4 , for the expansion of the Popular Army militia to serve in both Iraq and Kuwait .
9 Ms Willbourne also called for the civil courts to be given new powers to exclude an abuser from the home instead of the child .
10 Sendero Luminoso also called for an " armed strike " on Nov. 18-20 , but this reportedly caused little disruption and the elections proceeded in an atmosphere of relative calm , despite some bomb explosions as voting began .
11 Mr Mackeson-Sandbach also called for the board to be strengthened , a demand subsequently reinforced by one of Sir Basil 's sons , Mr Adrian de Ferranti .
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