Example sentences of "[noun prp] will [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 NCM will simply need to be satisfied that the debt is valid through the provision of invoices , delivery notes , bills of lading etc .
2 Saturday 's abandoned match at Morley will probably have to be played the next week , followed by the trip to Liverpool St Helens on the final Saturday of the season .
3 The degree of heavyweight support for Mrs Beckett will undoubtedly lead to renewed accusations among some Labour MPs of a ‘ stitch up ’ to secure Mr Smith and Mrs Beckett for the leadership .
4 To be able to assess and verify the current status of the software which is approved , the approver must be aware of which SSRs will still apply to the package and its contents once approval is granted .
5 That is why the TGWU will not invite to any of its meetings in the House any Member of Parliament who is not also a Labour party member .
6 With Novello Allegro absent , Charlie Swan will now switch to Eyelid in the Champion Hurdle .
7 Upjohn will now appeal to the UK Medicines Commission , but the suspension will remain in place until the appeal has been heard .
8 The Russian President , Boris Yeltsin , has sent a message to Mr. Major saying that Russia will not return to totalitarian rule .
9 Realistic as ever skipper Peter Wilson will not accede to the pundits who say the championship is his already .
10 Seduced by all things fine and feudal , Meridon will not come to her senses until she returns , like an avenging O'Hara to her Tara , to the land .
11 ( James will love it — Pam will never speak to you again ! )
12 As the war enters its final phase , the UN will probably return to prominence .
13 As well as developing gas for local use , Indonesia , Brunei , Malaysia and Thailand will also export to Japan , South Korea and Taiwan .
14 When discussion of a reconvened Geneva conference was in the air in December 1973 , the government stated that ‘ Israel will not return to the lines of June 4 , 1967 , which were a temptation to aggression . ’
15 In Jerusalem , a foreign ministry spokesman said : ‘ One of our basic principles is that Israel will not agree to any move that will bring direct or indirect contact with the PLO . ’
16 Somerset 's visit to Orneau , Belfast in mid-August will then reduce to only two the counties that have never played Ireland .
17 Work also continues on the replica 2-2-2 ‘ Bloomer ’ , Pannier tank 7752 , presently on loan to the South Devon Railway at Buckfastleigh will shortly return to its home base when some routine work will be carried out .
18 Even in the event that no further action is taken , the IAAF will still need to seriously reassess their entire drug testing procedures .
19 And if first-night reaction is any indicator , Prince Of The Pagodas will also prove to be successful .
20 Will he say that the United Kingdom will not agree to Turkish membership of the EC so long as any Turkish troops are present in Cyprus against the wishes of the present sovereign Government of Cyprus ?
21 Arkies will never agree to one which does n't severely curtail our freedoms .
22 Mark Pinnegar will thus revert to his old position of number eight with the ever-improving Dave Alecock keeping his place as blindside flanker .
23 If Senna becomes champion , and to do it he must win in Japan and Australia , then Prost 's recent criticism of his treatment at the hands of Honda will immediately spring to mind regardless of a subsequent and rather naive document , signed by all sides and designed to give the impression that all is sweetness and light .
24 Suleiman will not agree to a divorce , ’ Fatima said , ‘ unless you give him money .
25 Mr Clinton will also take to the road , from New York to the West Coast .
26 We have , of course , stressed to our friends in the Baltic states that their membership of the CSCE — Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe — process and their aspirations to join the Council of Europe will naturally depend to a great extent upon their ability to meet international standards in such matters .
27 Well , it wo n't be this year for the competition is intense but there 's no doubt in my mind that if he sticks at it young Coates will eventually get to the top .
28 But Christopher Taylor will happily chat to you in any one of 18 languages .
29 Keith will now set to creating a painting for a FlyPast reader .
30 It is to these trusted friends Diana will now turn to as she begins a new life on her own .
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