Example sentences of "[noun prp] would be [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The more Jack was in demand , as a lecturer , teacher , and man of letters , the more danger there was that Warnie would be thrown back on his own society or , worse , on that of Mrs Moore .
2 Finally , in April , 1988 , an agenda for withdrawal - many would say retreat - was drawn up in the Geneva accords : all 115,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan would be pulled out by February 15 , 1989 .
3 Again then , knowing these people somewhat , I feel they would follow the apparent winner and South Korea would be gobbled up to be added to the rest of Red Asia .
4 A senior official at the Russian gas industry monopoly Gazprom told Itar-Tass news agency that supplies to Ukraine would be cut off on Thursday .
5 Martin Page of KPMG Peat Marwick said it was likely that R E Gobbitt and Sons of Worlingworth would be wound up after completing existing commitments .
6 Its responsibilities East of Suez would be taken over by a new tri-Service headquarters established at Aden under an air vice-marshal with the title of HQ British Forces , Middle East .
7 An agreement had hastily been arrived at , to the effect that Cornelius would be kept on at school for an indefinite period until matters could be expedited .
8 An Arab League meeting in Cairo on March 22 appeared to have produced an acceptable compromise proposal : al-Megrahi and Fhimah would be handed over first to the Arab League , which would then through UN channels deliver them to either the UK or the US judicial authorities ; the League then sent a delegation to Tripoli to negotiate the terms of the handover .
9 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
10 The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug said 46 Serbs would be flown out of Tuzla today .
11 Under the terms of the truce and the modifications agreed to it on 27 June , the siege of Quimperlé would be lifted , Duke John would withdraw his army from Brittany , Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte would be handed over to papal mediators who would deliver it to the King of France when the truce expired , and the English would receive 40,000 francs in compensation .
12 Margarete 's memorialising book about Milena , published when the author was already in her late seventies , gives grimly graphic pictures of camp life , and underlines , as if it were needed , how the two womens ' all too comprehensive experience of two totalitarian systems led Milena to declare that Stalinism and Hitlerism were indistinguishable ( as a result of which the communists ' leader in the camp declared that ‘ after the liberation Milena Jesenska and Margarete Buber-Neumann would be stood up against the wall by the Red Army . ’
13 Yeo Davis could have credibly warned Barton that , whatever the public statements , there was a real risk that Huerter would be bailed out . ’
14 A complication was that it had to be reduced in a complicated , controlled manner or the electricity grid throughout Ulster would be burned out and would require a long time to replace after the strike would be over .
15 For the comrades it was a back-handed way of ensuring that the increasingly suspect and disliked Pilger would be ruled out as editor .
16 Mr Paterson said the formal consultation process on permanent closure of Heiton would be carried out over the summer .
17 Earlier yesterday Mr Patten had dismissed as a ‘ ridiculous rumour ’ a report that Hong Kong would be frozen out of the early stages of any Sino-British negotiations .
18 Mary would be sent out like a rowing boat among the waiting fleet — a word here , a suggestion there , showing again the presence of the command vessel .
19 I might have known that Dr. Lorrimer would be mixed up in it .
20 GLEB would be paid back with shares in the company when it was floated , and be given a say in the structure of the company .
21 Mascot diet : Organisers of Atlanta 's 1996 Olympics said their mascot a shapeless smiling blob known as Whatizit would be slimmed down and given a proper male name to broaden its appeal .
22 Aunt Sarah would be curled up on the sofa , in guernsey and old jeans , having chased Robin and Jenny out so that she could phone in peace .
23 On Oct. 21 it was announced that the last of the nuclear reactors at Greifswald would be shut down by mid-December 1990 , three other reactors there having already been closed during 1990 .
24 There was no hint that Waringstown would be kept down to such a moderate total when Shane Harrison and Brian Sturgeon put on 46 for the first wicket .
25 The blueprint for strengthening the CSCE 's ability to deal with crises and conflicts in Europe would be worked out by senior officials in a three-month conference , to culminate in a CSCE summit in July .
26 Then , in the late afternoon , Eric would be picked up by the US postal jeep , which carried important military mail from Milan to Rome by way of Verona , Bologna and Florence , and arrive in Rome at first light the following morning .
27 Confident that Clasper would be brought down by his own members without any interference from him , Bunker concluded that his best course of action would be to emulate Brer Rabbit on this occasion , and ‘ lie low and say nuffin' . ’
28 There was to be a review for them , when any man who would like to go back to France would be sent back by a route through Marseilles , and he would provide for any man who wished to serve with his newly formed force , the Free French .
29 Sir Alfred had spent enough of Rubery Owen 's profits and was impatient for success ; BRM would be closed down if it failed to win races in 1962 .
30 That an exchange of the ransom for Simon Cormack would be set up within the day , and that the authorities were confident all the kidnappers would be caught in the process .
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