Example sentences of "[noun prp] has [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
2 Lindsay McKeown has already been on asking for her phone number .
3 With all of its efforts to establish itself in the Unix marketplace , DEC has sometimes been in danger of convincing its own VMS customers that the traditional VAX lines have not been keeping up with Unix in the price/performance race .
4 Alex Stein has already been in touch with you , however I would formally confirm that we would be interested in such a publicity campaign for Council Tax at about the time bills are being issued in April .
5 ‘ The Port of Larne has always been in the forefront of development and modernisation .
6 Mr Ishaq has also been at work on the Sindh assembly , in which Miss Bhutto 's supporters make up the biggest group .
7 Bach has always been among my major loves .
8 Brazil has often been in the news because of the impeachment of President Collor , the Rio conference , widespread concern about environmental issues and violence , including the murder of street children , and , most recently , prisoners in Sao Paulo .
9 It is significant that the union which represents the employed workers of Cartón has never been on strike .
10 Dan Graham has always been about geometry , at least in so far as it informs the quasi-architectural environments he makes ( have you yet been delightfully disoriented by the series of glass-walled , open-to-the-sky rooms he has constructed on the roof of the DIA Art Center 's Chelsea outpost ? ) .
11 Dr Kallman has since been on another field trip to this area and is able to confirm the widespread range of this species throughout most of the small tributaries of the Rio Coatzacoalcos , and eastwards from Sarabia .
12 Horne has already been on loan at Middlesbrough and Stoke this season .
13 Because the Directive is based on Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty of Rome , MAFF has always been of the opinion that environmental measures can not be aided financially , since these two Articles relate solely to agricultural policy .
14 Pakistan is Chris 's first overseas post but Rupert has also been with LASMO Columbia .
15 William Stukeley further elaborated the legend in the eighteenth century when he proposed that the St. Peter 's area of Stamford was the site of Hengist 's town , despite the fact that Stamford has never been in Lindsey .
16 The building — called the Old Manor House — was allegedly the scene of a naked ‘ wedding ceremony ’ and Miss Dale has also been at the centre of a storm surrounding payments of £4,000 made by the Treasury to help fund Chancellor Norman Lamont 's legal expenses to get her out of his London house .
17 Though he lives on its doorstep , so to speak , Vic has never been inside the place .
18 Billy has also been in the crew since the David and Elizabeth King came on station .
19 It is perhaps doubtful in the present climate that the aircraft could have been kept in the air beyond the end of this year , even if the VA has still been in a position to influence affairs .
20 And Audrey has never been on the stage , or left her husband , or made a false move in public in any direction . "
21 Victim Sue Howat joked : ‘ And before you ask , No , Mr Mellor has never been to my flat . ’
22 Glenn has frequently been for training in one of the world 's most deadly martial arts to its home in Malaysia , where he became the only non-Malay , non-Muslim to reach the Jurulatih , or ‘ expert in technique ’ grade .
23 But Britain has already been through the ordeal of restructuring needed to meet the fierce competition from Asia and , increasingly , the Third World .
24 ERC has also been in the forefront of developing and implementing industry standards .
25 California has long been at the green cutting edge , and had the bill been passed , other states and possibly nations may have followed in its wake .
26 They say no Michael Green has ever been with them .
27 There was even a clip from his commando days in Borneo — although the Liberal Democrats ' policy on Dyaks has hardly been at the forefront of the campaign .
28 Since 1973 , the UK in common with France has never been in surplus with the rest of the EC in trade in manufactured goods .
29 International Motaung has already been to Hillsborough and Bramall Lane and will have trials with West Ham and Millwall .
30 Danny Harrold has also been in demand for the £50,000 contest and is now 8–1 .
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