Example sentences of "[noun prp] which [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The conference , the first of its kind openly held in Iraq , brought together all major opposition parties including several based in Iran , Saudi Arabia and Syria which had boycotted the last major opposition conference held in Vienna in June [ see p. 38985 ] .
2 The second draft of the treaty contained a change in the section referring to the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia which had ended the Prague Spring in 1968 .
3 When , later , ‘ The Daleks ’ took the viewing public by storm David Whitaker contributed every bit as much as Terry Nation to the wave of Dalekmania which threatened to overwhelm the toyshops , book counters , newspaper stands , cinema aisles and theatre seats of Great Britain .
4 A presidential amnesty was published on July 8 for participants in the rallies in April and May which had signalled the start of the unrest in Tajikistan [ see pp. 38916 ; 38969 ] .
5 It was here that items of the Emperor 's clothing and the superb diamond necklace which had been given to him by the Princess Borghese [ his sister , Pauline ] as well as the Landau which had escaped the Moscow disaster in 1813 ( sic ) were taken . ’
6 He watched them rushing through Calais on their way to pay court to Napoleon ( Sonnet : ‘ Is it a reed that 's shaken by the wind ’ ) , and decided , since he regarded the French leader as a despot and a menace to free institutions , that the only course open was to support that party in England which wanted to continue the war , namely the Tories .
7 In a further blow to inter-Korean relations , the Agency for National Security Planning ( NSP ) , South Korea 's main internal security agency , claimed on Dec. 26 that it had thwarted a conspiracy linked with North Korea which aimed to overthrow the South Korean government .
8 In their view the recently created Riverside DHA which had become the managing agency , was interested only in providing hospital services and had paid scant , if any , attention to the need for a range of after-care facilities across the statutory and non-statutory sectors .
9 It is a striking coincidence that in the same year that Aethelbald came to power among the Mercians , the assassination of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in Northumbria and the accession there of Coenred also broke the entrenched power of the family of Aethelfrith which had dominated the kingship of the northern Angles for more than seventy years ( see below , pp. 47 ff . ) .
10 More than 700 farmers gave their backing to the Carlisle mart firm Harrison & Hetherington which had called the meeting because it believes the new system could paralyse cattle marketing .
11 Pending any agreement with the Arab states , particularly with Jordan which hoped to secure the return of its lost territory , Israel 's Defence Minister , Moshe Dayan , established a pattern which remained the bedrock of Israel 's occupation policy .
12 He also issued a tough statement when changes were made to the Natural Heritage ( Scotland ) Bill in the House of Lords which appeared to diminish the status of Sites of Special Scientific Interest .
13 Crucially , it had been a notable enterprise in demonstrating the altruistic spirit of co-operative endeavour between a WEA District and a large county LEA which had established the broad principles of role differentiation between voluntary and statutory bodies in the provision of adult education as delineated in the Final Report , 1919 .
14 In the story she recalled it was slides of the life of Christ which had stilled the crowd .
15 The court said that it was not intended in Seymour to cast doubt on Venna which had used the Cunningham definition ( but was pre-Caldwell ) , and Venna was approved in DPP v Majewski [ 1977 ] AC 443 and seemingly by Lord Diplock himself in Caldwell .
16 The large statue of Chairman Mao which had dominated the quadrant outside the library , where he had once worked in his youth , suddenly ‘ disappeared ’ .
17 The group led by Armando Cossutta and Sergio Garavini which had opposed the conversion of the PCI into the PDS in February 1991 [ see p. 38021 ] founded the Communist Refoundation party ( RC ) at a congress in Rome on May 4-5 .
18 In July 1263 the king empowered him , with Richard de Gravesend , bishop of Lincoln , and Henry de Sandwich , bishop of London [ qq.v. ] , to reach a settlement with Simon , but the reimposition of the Provisions of Oxford which resulted reflected the realities of the political situation rather than Roger 's own political stance .
19 In the event , President de Gaulle and France , still preoccupied by the war in Algeria which had toppled the Fourth Republic , did not obstruct the deadline , choosing not to invoke the escape clauses which France had insisted be incorporated into the Rome Treaty .
20 During the 1970s there was a China boom in Japan which seemed to evoke the old image of China as a source of civilization and ideas .
21 Calling for greater western assistance , Gorbachev warned that the vision of a united Europe which had animated the CSCE would not survive the imposition of " an economic curtain … [ dividing ] the continent into the rich and the poor " .
22 Fired by a determination to change this order of things , Louis-Napoleon found his first outlet by participating in the risings of 1830–31 in Italy directed against Austrian rule , in themselves an echo of the July Revolution in France which had overthrown the restored Bourbon monarchy .
23 Mr Smith refused to disclose the names of the shops in Darlington which had failed the environmentally friendly fridge test .
24 The Attorney General , Leopoldo Torres , on Feb. 14 brought calumny charges against five journalists on the daily El Mundo which had reported the scandal , but a Madrid High Court judge on Feb. 20 dismissed the case without a hearing .
25 In a tacit admission of this new state of affairs , Napoleon III , faced with an increasingly powerful Prussia which had seized the diplomatic initiative in Europe , tried a face-to-face meeting with Bismarck and not his sovereign .
26 Wordsworth took the materialist philosophy of Locke and Hartley which had sufficed the eighteenth century , and changed round the terms , writing in positive instead of negative signs Instead of a dead universe described in terms of machines from which the Creator had departed , he proposed a living universe called ‘ Nature ’ described in terms of growth and organic life , which was being continuously created by a God who was inextricably involved in all its parts Whereas in Locke the mind at birth was ‘ a white paper ’ , with no innate ideas , in Wordsworth the mind retains in early childhood some consciousness of a pre-existent state ; in Locke the mind passively receives impressions from the senses , but in but in Wordsworth the mind actively perceives and a creative power within the mind organizes the multitude of chaotic sense impressions into a partial picture of the world .
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