Example sentences of "[noun prp] or [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the way up to Luxor or on the way back ? ’
2 The Consolidated Regulations of the Inns of Court , together with the particulars of the scholarships and prizes available , can be had by applying to the Sub-Treasurer at the Inner Temple or to the Under-Treasurer at the other three Inns .
3 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
4 Will he further confirm that the consequences of the Scottish National party 's policies would be to deprive many hundreds of people of their employment at Rosyth and on the Clyde while still leaving Scotland at risk from the consequences of a nuclear attack on Barrow or on the north of England ?
5 The total cost was estimated at $600,000 , although only around $60,000 was reimbursed to the government either by Sununu or by the Republican Party .
6 In Glasgow he had picked up many of the skills that a more highly-born politician might have acquired in the Oxford Union or at the Bar , but skills that were very different in appearance .
7 Whichever approach is adopted ( that of the SDPP or of the School Management Task Force ) the head has to decide whether it is practicable in his or her school to assume that the more that teachers are asked to do in the way of auditing , laying plans , implementing them and reviewing them , the more they will understand about the effectiveness of pupils ' learning .
8 Of the seventy-eight clergy whom he ordained , fifty-three had to make the difficult journey to Pelynt for their ordination , either at Trelawne or in the parish church , while in his last seven years as Bishop , only twice did he travel to Exeter for an ordination .
9 Historicism presumes that a concept of history can be borrowed for Marxism from Hegel or from the practice of empiricist historians without difficulty and without asking how such a concept is specific to Marxism : for Althusser the crucial question is to ask ‘ what must be the content of the concept of history imposed by Marx 's theoretical problematic ? ’
10 The opinion gained ground — an opinion with which Eric Ashby would evidently have had some sympathy — that the employment of a full-time tutor for the county , whether by the WEA or by the University Extra-Mural Board , placed constraints on branches ' freedom to choose subjects of study because of pressure to find a viable programme for the full-timer to teach .
11 ‘ As far as I can see we can either go for Dersingham or for the man himself .
12 The CKR , therefore , was designed as a closed system that precluded negotiations of either the CKR or of the master bill of lading that contained the no disp clause .
13 She has still not given up the search , but she fears some animals are exported to Ireland or to the continent .
14 It does not debar citizens of the Republic of Ireland or of the Commonwealth from membership and election of these is not unknown .
15 These acts , whether in Northern Ireland or on the mainland , in London or outside , bring nothing but feelings of utter revulsion to every British citizen , except the handful of warped minds who commit such atrocities .
16 Despite the sentencing it is not entirely clear whether the accusation of ‘ bad restoration ’ relates to the possible damage which may have been inflicted on the original paving of the Piazza or to the outcome of the entire campaign .
17 From the mid-1330s onwards scarcely a year passed without the issue of writs requesting archbishops and bishops to order prayers in every parish for the king ; additionally , whenever an army set off on campaign — whether against Scotland or to the continent — prayers and processions were ordered , and each victory ( Berwick , Sluys , Crécy , Poitiers , Najera ) and even the capture of King John in 1356 was at once announced and celebrated with parish prayers .
18 I do not believe that that prescription is in the interests of Scotland or of the rest of the United Kingdom .
19 If so , it is deplorable because I should prefer the remit to be allocated , as it were , by the Secretary of State for Scotland or by the Minister .
20 It is worth saving your duty free allowances for the cruise , as you wo n't get better deals in Florida or at the airport duty free shops .
21 I hope to see some of you at either the Aston Clinton Weekend in April , the Working with Elderly Day in May or on the trip to Coburg , which I am looking forward to very much .
22 Uzuncarsili follows much the same line , though perhaps in an attempt to salvage something of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi story he suggests in effect that in that story Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) should be read for Bayezid I : he thus concludes that Molla Fenari left for Karaman either in the confused period following Ankara or in the time of Mehmed I , in the manner described by Taskopruzade .
23 When speaking to him I made no reference to the writer to the Hebrews , to the apostle Paul , to Moses or to the apostle Peter , but rather I concentrated on what the Lord Jesus Christ had to say on the subject .
24 Most of the people who went to Virginia or the West Indies were clearly looking for an opportunity to do better than they could in England , and if they made fortunes they would probably go back to England to enjoy their wealth , but the Massachusetts Bay Company was more concerned with escape from England or with the creation of a society that improved on its better aspects and rejected the worse .
25 Such interests can not be transferred without writing , and in most cases a deed is required ; in any case the transfer is not complete except by entry in the books of the Bank of England or of the body or company concerned .
26 Parliament listed a number of goods , known as the ‘ enumerated articles ’ , which the colonies were not allowed to send anywhere outside the empire , and which were to be carried out only in ships from England or from the country of origin .
27 The following must be stated in a proof of debt ( r 6.98(1) ) : ( i ) the creditor 's name and address ; ( ii ) the total amount of the debt as at the date of the bankruptcy order ; ( iii ) whether interest is included ; ( iv ) whether VAT is included ; ( v ) whether any part of the debt is a preferential debt as defined in s 386 of and Sched 6 to the Act ; ( vi ) particulars of how and when the debt was incurred ; ( vii ) particulars of any security held and , if so , its value ; ( viii ) the name , address and authority of the person signing if not the creditor himself ; and ( ix ) any documents which can substantiate the claim though these need not be sent unless the trustee requests them ( r 6.98(3) ) ; ( x ) if the debt was incurred in a foreign currency , the sterling equivalent at the date of the bankruptcy order must be calculated and stated ( r 6.111 ) and the rate of exchange must be the official rate , ie that fixed by the Bank of England or by the court .
28 If the public-sector borrowing requirements ( PSBR ) is financed by borrowing from the Bank of England or by the sale of Treasury bills to the banking sector , the money supply will increase .
29 While in 1920–1 Eliot admired both Edward Wadsworth 's drawings of industrial landscapes and Picasso 's primitivism , he found himself living the life of Thomson or of the city clerks he had read about in Conan Doyle , Davidson , Conrad , and elsewhere .
30 For example , many adult education institutes , traditionally non-vocational , now put on courses for specific language examinations , that is either GCSE or A-levels with a choice of examination boards , those of the Institute of Linguists , the RSA or in the case of EFL , the Cambridge examinations amongst many others .
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