Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come in , English Clerk , ’ the Bishop beckoned Corbett and Ranulf to the bench before his table .
2 As they rounded the bend towards Westminster , Ranulf nudged Corbett and pointed to the near bank .
3 Real Madrid never recovered from an own goal by Brazilian defender Rocha and crashed to a 2–0 UEFA Cup defeat against Torino at Turin .
4 A plan to expand preferential trade tariffs as a means of integrating the region was opposed by Mexico and led to the adjournment of the meeting of the Latin American Association for Integration ( ALADI ) held in Mexico City on May 1-2 , 1990 .
5 While the Society of Women Market Vendors exposed the corruption of the PDC and objected to the high tariffs in the new markets , it was not sufficiently organized to form a counter-proposal or take action upon it .
6 The Taunton Commission ( 1864–8 ) was critical of the impoverished inefficiency of Thame and led to the reform of Emanuel .
7 In Structuralist Poetics Culler took an unenthusiastic view of deconstructionism , but he shortly returned to the United States and succumbed to the deconstructive wave that swept through the American academy in the late seventies , and into which I did not feel inclined to plunge .
8 The tour returns to the United States and continues to the thundering Niagara Falls , and then to Buffalo .
9 Continue on to reach the road , turn right over it to cross the Nedd Fechan and go to the road junction .
10 The last task of the day for the humanitarian branch is to visit the village of Mammari and speak to the local farmers .
11 In 435 , as we have already mentioned , Nestorius was removed from his position in Constantinople and exiled to the Egyptian desert .
12 We call upon all Arabs each according to his potentials and capabilities within the teachings of Allah and according to the Moslem Holy War of Jihad to fight this , this U S presence of non-believers .
13 We had gone through Mullinavat and came to a village whose name I do not know — if it ever had one .
14 A general strike by supporters of both sides ( but predominantly Hungarians ) had been called in surrounding regions and the Hungarian Prime Minister Miklós Németh sent a letter of protest to Bucharest and appealed to the UN to intervene .
15 When shop assistant Michael Griffiths tried to stop him , he was grabbed from behind by Alan Rootham and knocked to the floor .
16 Lewis will return to Britain on September 18 after preparing in Washington and switch to a Cardiff headquarters .
17 Soon some doctors came from Washington and spoke to the workers .
18 ‘ Get him , ’ I said to Curtis and pointed to the stairs .
19 Natasha Lebedeva and Nastya Kharina live in Russia and go to the English Language School in Perm .
20 Tim and Bridie Wallis live near Molesworth and object to the Government 's nuclear defence policy .
21 Until the end of April Margot Gordon and Marcello Aldega will be showing a number of pictures from their 1992 catalogue , including : Fra Bartolommeo 's ‘ Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist ’ dated by Chris Fisher to around 1515–16 ; a ‘ Nativity with Saints ’ by Penni , attributed by Nicholas Turner ; a late ‘ Male Profile ’ by Parmigianino , possibly a self-portrait ; a ‘ Putto ’ by Annibale Carracci , attributed by Oberhuber and relating to the upper part of the S. Gregorio altarpiece , Bologna ; two sheets by Simone Cantarini , ‘ Jove and Ganymede ’ and a ‘ Male figure ’ .
22 There was a considerable volume of evidence and the hearing took place on 7 , 8 and 9 April 1992 , then had to be adjourned until 6 May and came to an end on 7 May 1992 .
23 And it 's very hot and not nice for children , so you can stay in England and go to a boarding school like Alex — wo n't that be fun ? ’
24 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
25 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
26 Later John Frith , a Cambridge graduate , became not only his collaborator but his dearest friend ; but Frith was seized whilst on a visit to England and committed to the Tower .
27 It is an obligation of the discount houses to bid for Treasury bills at the weekly tender ; the proportion of each issue that individual discount houses tender for is agreed with the Bank of England and corresponds to the size of the capital base of the discount house .
28 The Centre ( originally established in the University of Aberdeen and transferred to the University of Edinburgh in 1986 ) is concerned with the study of the Christian faith in its full world context .
29 She did n't believe she 'd marry Petya Tcherkassoff and move to a dacha on the steppes any more , but she thought she might see twenty-five .
30 Agatha ignored Fidelma and returned to the much more worrying matter of Timothy 's encounter with a chit called Topaz Chilcott .
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