Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That would be a little bit of a problem for Frank Clarke if er Cooper has got a problem with his shoulder you know if it 's if it 's serious because looking at his people on his bench you know Neil Webb and Crosby and looking at the make-up of his team he has n't really got anybody he could slot back in there unless he put er Rozario in there .
2 W.G. Grace was taking part in a match for London County against Warwickshire , opening the batting with W.L. Murdoch and playing in a fashion which reminded contemporary reporters of his heyday , and C.B. Fry was scoring a century for Sussex .
3 Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , meeting US Secretary of State Baker in Moscow on Aug. 3 , issued with him a joint statement condemning the invasion of Kuwait and appealing for a global ban on arms supplies to Iraq .
4 We call upon all Arabs each according to his potentials and capabilities within the teachings of Allah and according to the Moslem Holy War of Jihad to fight this , this U S presence of non-believers .
5 A social worker by training , his earlier career embraced social work for the deaf in Liverpool and Nottinghamshire and teaching at the North London Polytechnic , where he was tutor in charge of the course leading to a " Certificate in Deaf Studies " .
6 He kissed his mother on the cheek , nodded to Becky and turning at the door , saluted his father in the chair , then was gone .
7 Until the end of April Margot Gordon and Marcello Aldega will be showing a number of pictures from their 1992 catalogue , including : Fra Bartolommeo 's ‘ Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist ’ dated by Chris Fisher to around 1515–16 ; a ‘ Nativity with Saints ’ by Penni , attributed by Nicholas Turner ; a late ‘ Male Profile ’ by Parmigianino , possibly a self-portrait ; a ‘ Putto ’ by Annibale Carracci , attributed by Oberhuber and relating to the upper part of the S. Gregorio altarpiece , Bologna ; two sheets by Simone Cantarini , ‘ Jove and Ganymede ’ and a ‘ Male figure ’ .
8 That just by coming to England and driving along the road from Dover to , to London or wherever he has given his tacit consent .
9 ‘ Well , with everyone congratulating Nahum and chatting about a wedding .
10 And now , to make matters worse , here 's this fella in a suit , the bride 's father , nodding at Pierce Turner and asking in a loud voice : ‘ is that a he or she ? ’ .
11 A Voice of Arab Egypt radio station was monitored soon after the Cairo summit broadcasting attacks on Mubarak and calling on the Egyptian people to overthrow their government .
12 Angel had had a magical childhood , bucking the system at the smart Buenos Aires boys ' school of Champagnat and living during the term time in a large house in the Avenidad del Libertador .
13 Landscape , of course , is his forte and a show of recent works in this department ( oil paintings and graphics ) are on at Marlborough starting 6 January and continuing until the end of the month .
14 Settling the dispute took many years and several surveys , carried out by Bowes in 1542 , 1550 and 1580 ; and Johnson and Goodwin in 1604 produced : ‘ A survey of the Debatable and Border Lands adjoining the Realm of Scotland and belonging to the Crown of England , taken in 1604 . ’
15 Staying in a small town in the north of Scotland and working on the local newspaper for the rest of his life suddenly seemed a dismal prospect .
16 The young sculptor roamed around Italy , working in Ferrara and probably Bologna and responding to the International Gothic style of the Dalle Masegne workshop .
17 Eyeing her and Nigel and speaking to the air .
18 New works by Elaine Reichek , Cary S. Leibowitz/Candyass and Beverly Semmes round out the group , opening on 6 July and running until the 31st .
19 The postwar period has seen a great rise in ethnicity ; starting in the 1950s with areas peripheral to France and Spain and continuing in the 1960s with Britain 's ‘ Celtic Fringe ’ .
20 The trend towards a more nationalistic variety of communism , independent of Moscow and resting on the approach of mass mobilisation advocated by Mao , inspired those Korean communists who felt that this approach could prove valuable for their own party in the future .
21 The two sessions were a mixture of going through tapes and other materials , editing and adapting these for a thirty-minute radio programme , watching a documentary of a 1944 Lancaster raid on Germany and reflecting on the project as a whole .
22 This would result in the price increasing in Germany and falling in the UK .
23 Fields in bird breeding areas directly to the north and west of Anglesey and Holyhead and bordering on the north west coastline of the Llyn Peninsula were excluded along with fields in breeding grounds of the bottle-nosed dolphin on the Moray Firth in Scotland and in Cardigan Bay , West Wales , were excluded .
24 On Saturday I sat there watching his team lose at home to Chelsea and listening to an Australian Evertonian who was back at Goodison for the first time since he emigrated in 1985 .
25 Brannen , now working in Stoke and competing for the city 's athletics club , agreed to represent his new home county in the pole vault and high jump before team manager Bill McGuirk contacted him with an invitation to be the NorthEast 's 110 metres hurdler .
26 Once settled in , Crawford established a routine of returning from each night 's performances at the Ethel Barrymore Theater and sitting on the floor eating English food , drinking orange squash out of Woolworth glasses and playing Monopoly .
27 We can legitimately ask what does a senior official based in Whitehall and acting as a policy adviser to a minister have in common with an administrative officer working in a local branch of the Department of Social Security other than the fact that they are both civil servants ?
28 The particular business can be briefly summarized as filling the vacant patriarchate of Constantinople , hearing the primatial claims of the archbishop of Toledo and dealing with the heresy in the lands of the count of Toulouse .
29 If it were found that the BEF was indeed across the River Marne and moving into the gap between Kluck and Bülow , then Bülow should retreat to the River Aisne .
30 After a long-running saga of development companies coming into North Shields and withdrawing from a relatively small-scale development ( 200 000 sq ft overall , 130 000 selling space ) , development of the town centre was begun on part of the original site in 1977 funded by the Coal Industry Pension Fund .
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