Example sentences of "[noun prp] set off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Camus sets off into the night .
2 Having established himself at Ince , Killigrew set off for the busy mercantile town of Plymouth , where he soon fell in with a merchant , Tremayne , who had a daughter , Mary .
3 As the Renault set off down the drive , Vitor placed an arm around Ashley 's shoulders .
4 Early that afternoon , as soon as she could get away from a lunch with colleagues from her department , Loretta set off for the Sunday Herald building .
5 No idea what time Vern set off for the bus , but it must be time for the next one by now .
6 Julia set off towards the Dorsoduro , beginning to feel really ill with a headache pounding behind her left eyebrow , smarting eyes , a rasped throat and a nose that felt as though it were stuffed with hot , wet flannel with a few pins in it , but even so she decided to give her lesson .
7 It was time for News on Sunday to set off on the trail of the people and organizations who had theorized about the prospects for a popular left-wing newspaper for so long .
8 After watching the train steam away with Christian waving from an open carriage window until he was out of sight , Carrie and Seb set off on the return journey in the gig .
9 Pretty certain this must be the man , Paige set off down the street , stopping every now and then to look in shop windows and cast surreptitious glances backwards .
10 Joseph set off for the door but Rain got there first .
11 On the contrary , all seemed set fair , and when they had loaded the packing-cases on to the cart Matey and McAllister set off for the church hall , to lay out the stall , to have everything ready for the afternoon 's visitors , Dr Neil having promised to come along to help them .
12 DALY , John : When rookie pro ‘ Long ’ John Daly set off for the 1991 US PGA Championship , he did n't even know whether he would get to play .
13 In September 1316 Edward retained him for a very large fee in return for the promise of his service with a commensurately large retinue ; and shortly afterwards he and Pembroke set off for the papal curia on a mission which had the repeal of the Ordinances as one of its objectives .
14 We put our litter back into our rucksacks as all the bins were full to overflowing , and Elinor and Otley set off in the direction of Fair Hill where all the caravans were resting .
15 Wilcock set off for the New World .
16 Goodnights were exchanged and George set off down the lane with Elizabeth , Sarah and their mother .
17 Patrick watched Chris setting off down the 10th and then cut across to the 11th green , which was quite close .
18 As the engine noise grew louder , Ashley set off across the grass .
19 Val set off for the interior in the best of the hire cars available , a well worn seat with grudging breaks , and drove alone on empty roads through a barren and alien territory .
20 When , after some twenty minutes , the Inspector had failed to arrive , Golby set off in the direction from which he anticipated Drewitt would appear , after his meet with PC Shorter at the turnpike at Folly Crossroads .
21 The inhabitants of Stowey for their part were already passing judgement as Coleridge , Southey and Henry Poole set off on the road back to Shurton .
22 Peony set off to the chemist urgently .
23 That night Stirling set off in the ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ with his usual crew of Cooper and Seekings , Ken Allot plus two corporals from the SBS with a folding canoe , and Gordon Alston .
24 Hoomey set off up the hill , half running , so relieved he could have cried .
25 So very early one morning when the wind was a moderate westerly and made northward progress easy , Creggan set off over the great industrial cities to find the high ground beyond them that he sensed would be there .
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