Example sentences of "[noun prp] also [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Apart from Sir Humphrey , his sons Robert and Edward also sit on the main board .
2 The name of Gary Wolstenholme also remained on the big scoreboards all morning .
3 Mike O'Grady also got on the record-breaking 10–0 score sheet .
4 Becky also commented on the new suit , but not until she had finished checking a lengthy column of figures .
5 Raymond Snoddy , in the Pearson owned Financial Times , last Friday also reported on the possibility of Pearson taking UK Gold , the entertainment channel set up by Thames and the BBC , to Asia , and of Longman becoming involved in the educational channel for broadcasting to Asia .
6 Fred Hanna also commented on the currency movement , but not adversely .
7 Elsewhere , the relationships are more difficult to define , usually because too little is known about the individual sites ; examples include the extensive industries of Brockley Hill and Mancetter-Hartshill , while Dorchester-on-Thames also lay on the fringes of the kiln area producing Oxford wares .
8 In extra-time Doey popped up with a second , while Stephen Hanvey and Paul Wilson also got on the scoresheet .
9 Whereas Mr Blair also called on the Government to be tough on the causes of crime , Mr Clarke conceded that social factors could not be ignored .
10 Slatter also served on the county committee for 30 years , edited the club handbook , and eventually became an Honorary member of both Buckinghamshire and the Minor Counties Cricket Association .
11 Sisters Mary and Joan Baker also went on the trip .
12 Although no extraneous gas is used , CAMRA also frowns on the breather as interfering with the natural process of maturing and serving cask beer .
13 Juan also appears on the Indisc/33rpm compilation-collaboration , ‘ Panic In Detroit ’ , has started remixing again ( Eon 's ‘ Spice ’ is an example ) and contributed a Martin Bonds track from his Metroplex label ( currently reactivating ) to Infonet 's upcoming ‘ 313 Detroit ’ album .
14 Mr. Beazley also relied on the general statements of principle in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Peters case [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 quoted above , which he submitted echoed the general principles laid down in the Gubisch case [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 ; these are important principles , to which full weight must be given , but they can not in my judgment warrant the court placing a construction on the words of article 5(1) which they can not reasonably bear , and moreover they must be balanced against another general principle , laid down for example in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
15 Frith also comments on the importance of an ideology of bohemianism within the appeal of rock in general ( 1983a : 75–84 ) .
16 Continuing tensions in relations with Iran also focused on the impounding by the Turkish authorities of a cargo ship , the Cape Maleas , as it was at anchor in the Bosphorus on Oct. 22 , 1991 .
17 A long time member of the Scottish Arts Council , George also served on the Arts Council of Great Britain and on the board of the British Film Institute — his down-to-earth assessments of proposals not always going down well at meetings of these organisations in London .
18 Lady Grace also flew on the Graf Zeppelin round-the-world epic , and when in Japan , was received by Emperor Hirohito .
19 Mr Foster also called on the region 's chairman Peter Carr to issue a statement clarifying the position , adding : ‘ So far the NRH has failed to provide any kind of explanation or issue any credible public statement .
20 His pal May and Atkins also deejayed on the show , playing an electric mix of house and European electronic music they 'd got into in high school when all the other kids were listening to the Gap Band and Prince .
21 Defenders Pietro Vierchowod and Paolo Maldini also got on the scoresheet while Malta gained some meagre consolation when Carmel Busuttil converted a penalty .
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