Example sentences of "[noun prp] because [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I like Alice in Wonderland because of the funny creatures and because they talk like people except it is not what you expect .
2 In a recent analysis that compared economic evaluations of the same intervention ( a new drug ) performed by identical methods in four countries , Drummond et al showed that although the drug was 36% more expensive in the United States than in the three European Community ( EC ) countries considered , it was also more cost effective in the United States because of the relative price and use of other health care resources compared with those in the EC ( such as the higher charges for surgical operations ) .
3 The game has been put back from next Tuesday because of the Old Trafford second leg .
4 They chose Whitehaven as their base , after fleeing from their native Hungary because of the Nazi threat , setting up the company originally known as West Cumberland Silk Mills .
5 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
6 But we know we ca n't get into Spain because of the 1992 Olympics . "
7 Housman Overseas ( 0702 206281 ) says that UK buyers are absent both in Portugal and Spain because of the harsh UK economic climate and the imposition of high UK interest rates four years ago .
8 I could n't do that in Russia because of the long journey . ’
9 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
10 ‘ The withdrawal from ERM and the subsequent devaluation of sterling should be of particular benefit to Scotland because of the higher propensity to export .
11 Crowned in Holyrood abbey rather than Scone because of the rebellious atmosphere around Perth and the southern Highlands , James II was left nominally in the care of his mother .
12 Three hundred and fifty new jobs are being created by Rover because of the growing demand for the Montego and Maestro cars .
13 Werewolf had called him Robin Redbreast because of the striped shirt and red tie .
14 Forestry Commission and National Park chiefs said that many beekeepers were travelling 200 miles to leave hives on the moors around Scarborough because of the fine quality of honey and heather produces .
15 ‘ I chose Sylvester Mackett because of the broad spread of the work in which they are involved .
16 Blackwells , with its nationwide spread , experienced huge differences in trading , from a 20% increase in Aberdeen to 7% in Oxford , static in Cardiff ( ‘ good , considering Waterstones had just opened ’ ) , to a decrease at Georges in Bristol because of the new Galleries mall in Broadmead , which drew people down to that end of town .
17 The sacristy , reached after the second altar on the right , is widely believed to be the most beautiful in Milan because of the carved cupboards , the work of Giovanni Taurino , a master carver who was also responsible for the confessionals which he completed in 1596 .
18 Police are advising people not to go near eastern Paris on Sunday because of the massive congestion that is expected .
19 Greg explains : ‘ They were cancelled last Sunday because of the bad conditions .
20 Fate determined that a short while before the businesses failed , they transferred the £10,000 to BCI because of the better returns being offered .
21 Keegan was allowed to spend £700,000 on Lee because of the huge gates United are attracting this season .
22 This problem , also experienced to some extent in Nicaragua , has been particularly acute in Mozambique because of the high levels of illiteracy and shortages of skilled people at all levels , and the legacy of a highly authoritarian colonial school system .
23 ‘ Whether we like it or not , we have to be the voice of Israel because in the Arab world radio stations are the representatives of the government , ’ said Mr Sehayek .
24 And then there is underneath the sea bed , which has been very important for the United Kingdom because of the great oil and gas resources which we found and if you had had er more limited erm concepts of the
25 Large numbers of Kuwaitis were reported to be leaving the country during March because of the high level of pollution caused by the fires .
26 Europe is the main campaign issue for Jim because of the overseas outlook of his company .
27 ‘ It was a disgrace the way they treated Gower because in the last Test against Pakistan , before this tour , he did everything that was asked of him with the bat .
28 It is a system that works particularly well with the Yakuza because of the bizarre but rigid code of ethics by which the Japanese Mafia conducts itself , quite different from any other criminal society in the world .
29 A ‘ strong ’ letter will also be sent to the WBO asking them to consider a re-match with Jimenez because of the close nature of a verdict in which German judge Norbert Krosch scored the fight even at 115 points each .
30 According to the central bank governor , Harishankher Tripathi , they were necessitated by the liberalization of India 's financial and currency regime [ see p. 38812 ] , which would directly affect Nepal because of the open border between the two countries .
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