Example sentences of "[noun prp] who [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reid 's star began to rise with a vengeance last year when he became associated with the stable of Peter Chapple-Hyam who provided him with the horse every jockey wants to have — a Derby winner .
2 Taskopruzade 's grandfather , for example , studied under Molla Yegan , probably at some time alter 839/1435–6 , and it was Molla Yegan who recommended him for the post at Taskopru .
3 The Lebanese man in the dock says he was invited back to the flat , and it was Kim who threatened him with a knife .
4 He was , with Giulio Argan who predeceased him by a month , and Federico Zeri , perhaps the leading opinion-former in the Italian art world , known to the general public from his articles in L'Espresso and then , from 1977 , La Repubblica .
5 Norman Williamson who rode him at Leopardstown , observed afterwards that he was a National horse when talking to Richard Dunwoody about the race and if Richards has retained his old magic , then there could quite well be another National winner destined to return home in triumph to his Lake District stables .
6 Alexander , his third son , was educated at Harrow and Cambridge where he met , as well as Manners , Benjamin Webb who introduced him to the Cambridge Camden Society .
7 Jenkins waited until Laidlaw had untied his hands then approached Graham who introduced him to Sabrina .
8 The subject is believed to be Gian Giacomo Caprotti , a pupil of da Vinci who joined him at the age of 10 , later becoming one of his lovers .
9 It was Peters who chided him about his frail physique , which led to his regular attendance at August 's Gymnasium , which was in the basement of Apley Hall .
10 When it came to electing a successor to the deposed Archbishop Fitzherbert at Richmond ( North Riding ) on 24 July 1147 , Bishop William opted for Henry Murdac [ q.v. ] , favourite of the Yorkshire reformers , against King Stephen 's candidate ; presumably it was Murdac who released him from the suspension he incurred for failing to attend the Council of Reims in March 1148 .
11 It is from Boswell that we learn of the height of nun Can , Raasay 's peak on which he danced a Highland reel with old Malcolm Macleod who called him between five and six in the morning to go walking .
12 Coleridge awoke , he said , retaining ‘ a distinct recollection of the whole ’ , and was eagerly committing the poem to writing when he was called out by a person on business from Porlock who detained him for more than an hour .
13 The whole thrust of Paul 's argument at this point , and again in Romans , is that the true few follows the example of Abraham , and responds in faith and obedience to the God who meets him in grace : and that is precisely the terms of the gospel which Paul preaches.The only difference is this .
14 Glasses , a beard and lots of grey hairs — 47-year-old Rod Stewart 's new look seems to have stunned his model wife Rachel Hunter who joined him at a Los Angeles club .
15 Fulcher lunged at Mr Leonard who pushed him into a bedroom and then took the knife from him .
16 In the end it was Harry Dunstaple who approached him with a really sensible idea .
17 Einstein was fortunate in having a friend Marcel Grossmann who introduced him to Riemannian geometry and who worked with him until Einstein left Zurich in 1914 .
18 He swooped on Preminger who rebuked him for being drunk , raging , ‘ You ver drunk last night and you are drunk now . ’
19 He was taken under the paternal wing of MGM who launched him in 1942 in tiny roles in prestige films like Mrs Miniver and Random Harvest , finally allowing him his first major role in 1945 in Son of Lassie , and to blossom as a leading man opposite leading ladies such as Judy Garland ( Easter Parade ) , June Allyson ( Two Sisters from Boston ) , and Elizabeth Taylor ( Little Women ) .
20 It was Ninette de Valois who put him in touch with John Piper , whose work he had already known and admired before leaving Cape Town , although only from reproductions , just as much as his musical knowledge came from recordings .
21 He insists on a quick hug from his young son Jordi who accompanies him to some of the major events where Courier plays .
22 But he blamed Graveney for the furore : ‘ It was not the ICC who put him in this position but Tom himself .
23 He carried on playing despite the pain and was singled out for praise by coach Berbizier who thanked him for his dedication and courage .
24 It was Chris who prodded him into handing over to Patrick .
25 As a nation the Jews are responsible for his death , but it was Pontius Pilate who delivered him to be crucified , who announced the verdict , who pronounced the sentence .
26 Wessels launched an immediate counter-attack when he entered in the day 's second over , mostly with pulls and cuts , and counted eight fours and a top-edged pull for six off Ambrose who removed him for 59 to a sharp low catch at point 35 minutes after lunch .
27 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
28 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
29 It was Alice Mair who directed him to the cottage .
30 He was immediately joined by Louise who pulled him towards the marquee .
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