Example sentences of "[noun prp] go out to [art] " in BNC.

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1 After he left the sisters , Corbett went out to the stable yard where Ranulf and Maltote were waiting with the two retainers from the porter 's lodge .
2 Sam Rollins and Dwayne and Carlos go out to the plane to split the coke .
3 Shelley went out to the patio and sat on the swing .
4 Sergeant Joe went out to the landing in haste , and Marcelle also appeared , her skirts rustling .
5 Bertha Cohen went out to the yard to release the hens from the coop , calling to Judith to bring some meal for them .
6 Patrick went out to the kitchen .
7 Kate went out to the hall with him and Patrick kissed her gently .
8 Now , could argue that Greater York could be bigger or smaller , the local government commission , erm er there report is a very interesting read , I mean a number of the options that they 've looked at would be a gra er a city of York going out to the ring road , erm that might be one option , there 's a there there idea of of Greater York , they did harden , they did see some merit in in a Greater York unitary authority based on the Greater York planning study I think , erm whether that is going to come to pass only Mr Gummer presumably er knows , so my idea of Greater York is that it 's an area which is tied socially and economically to the city , you could argue as mobility increases , as the A ni nineteen is improved up through the County that really Northallerton now is perhaps more within the sphere of influence of York than it was ten years ago , erm e it was probably to a degree influenced by York even twenty years ago , erm I do n't think er there is much to be gained by debating where Greater York ought to be , the Secretary of State previously has n't been bothered about er amending it er it seems to us to be the reasonable area , and it 's a combination of five districts , erm erm erm who who who hopefully should be working together towards sorting out the er other problems of Greater York .
9 Angela went out to the hall and came back pulling on her coat .
10 She radiated tension and embarrassment , so that after the meal Clare went immediately to watch TV in the sitting room , Sue took the children to bed and Bryony went out to a meeting .
11 It was ‘ Frank Sinatra and Trevor Howard in … ’ and there was Trevor Howard going out to the location in the car , bumping around in this old Citroën .
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