Example sentences of "[noun prp] say that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hamilton-Phillips says that most women carry a burden from their kindergarten days : ‘ Boys dominated the playground , girls sat around the side .
2 FoE pollution campaigner Karen McVeigh says that such allowances should be made conditional on the bus operators including a requirement for low-sulphur diesel in their fuel specifications .
3 In the course of a statement to a congressional committee on Jan. 23 Greenspan said that such comments were not putting pressure on the Federal Reserve , but were merely statements that lower interest rates were preferable to higher ones .
4 Afterwards Molyneaux and Paisley said that further talks would be held in March , and that Mr Brooke would then respond to Unionist demands that the government should consider an alternative to the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
5 On May 13 the acting Attorney General Hamad al-Othman said that 45 collaboration cases were ready to go to trial .
6 At the opening ceremony , director Howard Newby said that global warming was one of the most important threats facing humanity and that research was needed into how global warming could be slowed and its effects managed .
7 In its recommendations , the IEHO said that any pool should be fully supervised by trained staff unless it fills three criteria ; the pool is used infrequently ; a relevant member of staff is always aware when the pool is in use ; and that use be restricted to adults of known swimming ability .
8 Ken said that many performers ought to pay managements for the privilege of working on the stage .
9 Speaking at a conference in Cambridge , Lord Buxton said that three years of dry weather were not primarily responsible for the lowest groundwater levels since the 1940s .
10 Durkheim said that simple societies were held together by ‘ mechanical solidarity through likeness ’ : people were united by the similarity in the labour and the general social roles they performed , which also gave rise to a homogeneous conscience collective .
11 Commenting on his reasons for selling off the chain he founded in 1978 , Mr Weatherburn said that last year had been ‘ very difficult ’ , not just because of the stampede into remaindering by other companies ( see also Christmas in the Bookshops , page 27 ) .
12 Mr Lang said that Scottish Office funding for the laboratory complex was firm evidence of the Government 's support for the future importance of science and technology .
13 A spokesman for PPL said that many hoteliers and restaurateurs believe that they only need a licence from the PRS to be fully covered .
14 Jim says that some man he was doing a job for
15 Brian Grant of Arks says that single island marketing will increase , following such examples as Colgate-Palmolive , Guinness and Weetabix .
16 Reddy says that traditional plans also lack a ‘ development focus ’ , and take no account of how the benefits of energy are distributed in society .
17 Canon says that Still Video is an ideal medium for multimedia presentations because users can mix photographs , text and graphics on a computer , record them on a still video disk and display them on a TV .
18 Mr Hagger says that some disputes over products are justified but says that the business is very late in paying some genuine creditors .
19 Similarly , Goscelin says that one Easter at Winchester Cnut refused to wear his crown and put it on a crucifix , with the explanation that the king of kings was more worthy of it than he .
20 Karen says that next year she hopes to go to the commonwealth games and then the Olympics in Atlanta .
21 Mr Meacher said that such details would have to be worked out between ministers and their officials , but he is likely to be pressed to be more specific .
22 It simply is not enough for Mr Meacher to say that such details will be worked out after the next general election by Labour ministers and Whitehall officials .
23 Radio Cameroon said that two people were killed , many injured and 219 arrested ; it also alleged that " certain foreign radio stations " were carrying on a disinformation campaign against Cameroon .
24 IBM said that first quarter revenues were down slightly in the US — where the economy was perceived to be improving until the first set of statistics in April , and in Asia , while revenues from IBM 's European operations fell by 13.8% .
25 IBM said that first quarter revenues were down slightly in the US — where the economy was perceived to be improving until the first set of statistics in April , and in Asia , while revenues from IBM 's European operations fell by 13.8% .
26 On Jan. 7 the Iraqi Health Minister Umid Midhat Mubarak said that 85,942 Iraqis , including 27,473 children under five [ not 80,000 as wrongly given in the first paragraph of the article on p. 38696 ] , had died due to medical shortages .
27 But Mr Reynolds said that renewed efforts were needed to find a political settlement in Northern Ireland .
28 On April 9 the DPK said that Kurdish guerrillas had checked the advance of government troops north of Sulaimaniya .
29 The ANC said that substantial progress in fulfilling these demands would have to be made before negotiations could recommence .
30 Mr Salmond said that recent comments by Labour 's shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , that the constitutional issue was not uppermost in people 's minds could not be more wrong .
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