Example sentences of "[noun prp] say [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 NEC says its new focus on the business market instead of the scientific and engineering market is down to the 36% growth in the latter market .
2 NEC says its new focus on the business market instead of the scientific and engineering market is down to the 36% growth in the latter market .
3 Mr V.P. Singh said his immediate priority was to deal with separatist and secessionist violence in the Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir .
4 When Mrs Currie said her famous one-liner about eggs and salmonella , the egg consumption in this country plummeted by an incredible 30% , more or less overnight , and she achieved far more by that sentence than the entire medical profession had achieved in 20 years .
5 Linda said his first words to her were : ‘ Oh mum . ’
6 During a recent interview on BBC Radio Cleveland 's Alan Wright programme , Maire Brennan said their best audiences are found in the North-East and the group will be returning here as soon as they can .
7 Mrs Adams said her four sons — Richard , nine , Stuart , five , Mark , two , and Thomas , 11 months — were still coming to terms with the loss of their father , a former Royal Air Force engineer whom she described as a happy , family man .
8 Lyalin said his personal task was to destroy the early-warning radar station at Fylingdales while other agents would flood the London underground system .
9 DEC says its 21064 Alpha chip is capable of delivering 400 peak MIPS via dual instruction issue and claims Alpha architecture will eventually allow up to ten simultaneous instructions .
10 Newton says his successful rapport with Chelsea supporters is itself a triumph in the light of recent history .
11 Brian Howells says his youngest daughter was lucky to escape injury .
12 Patrick says his last marathon was in Gloucester in 1985 … he 's a lot older now
13 Kenneth says his earliest memory is seeing Queen Victoria 's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 1898 .
14 Staff at Slimbridge say their 7,000 waterfowl are unlikely to be affected by the outbreak , which ca n't be passed on from bird to bird .
15 And the Royal Bank of Scotland says its taking court action over a half a million pound overdraft .
16 Fewer visitors there may have been , but those who did make it from Ireland said their traditional farewell to the town 's Queen 's Hotel last night .
17 The crowd roared as Mrs Aquino said her former Defence Secretary , Senator Juan Ponce Enrile , should be investigated for complicity in the coup attempt .
18 Lord Aldington said his earlier statements that he left the area between 25 and 29 May were made before he had properly researched the matter and before he realised his departure date was crucial .
19 COHSE researcher Steven Weeks say his main concern is that the schemes being marketed ‘ are not designed to measure the type of jobs nurses do ’ .
20 Goldman Sachs says its private-placement business in Europe has doubled every year for the past few years .
21 Phil said his earliest memories of life at the Brandywell would remain with him forever .
22 Gunn says his old boss is not dour , it is just that people misread his temperament .
23 Billy says his 12-year-old son , Mark , is very upset and he is appealing for anyone who is offered a snake for sale in suspicious circumstances to contact the police .
24 Jay says his greatest pleasure came when he played against two Grandmasters from Russia and one each from England and Romania , drawing twice and losing twice .
25 Brian says his only regret is giving up responsibility for Risley Site Services .
26 But Honda says its industrial relations are excellent .
27 Mrs Johnson said her long-term dream was to complete her two-year course and begin a career as a legal executive .
28 But stores like VG say their first duty is to the shoppers and they 'll make sure they keep the campaign in the headlines until they can sell the story themselves .
29 Bill says their odd couple relationship works because they do n't have the normal pressures of married life .
30 Bill says his four year marriage to Tonia — widow of speed king Donald Campbell — survives because living apart for most of the time adds zest to their love life .
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