Example sentences of "[noun prp] i [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I had become interested in the Sudan itself after reading Samuel Baker 's books , but at first my interest was largely in the wild life and the big-game hunting in the Southern Sudan ; then at Eton I chanced on The River War , Winston Churchill 's vivid account of Kitchener 's campaign to reconquer the Sudan from the Khalifa .
2 One of the things the group in Wolverhampton I think at the Theatre Royal there is , is doing both audio descriptions by sign language I think and one of the things they 've , they , they do is meet in the bar
3 In Cardiff I went to the local elementary school and in 1939 , in the competitive scholarship examination , won a special place at Cardiff High School .
4 In Guildford I saw for the second time the travelling exhibition ‘ Architecture in Context ’ , staged by the RIBA 's South East Region .
5 In Harehills I belonged to the upper crust of the lower middle classes who were getting out as fast as they could .
6 Returning through Brotton I looked across the valley and wondered why a huge Union Jack was flying half-mast on the top of the Zetland Hotel at Saltburn .
7 Then on the Tuesday I went to the hospital .
8 LAST Tuesday I mused on the problems the Queen was facing with her family .
9 W. S. I operated from the Dog and Gun Police Station .
10 On Crag Hill I stopped at the cairn to look down on Dentdale spread below me , Helms Knott , the Howgills and the distant forms of Cross Fell , Dun Fell and , facing me , the long ridge of Barbondale .
11 Black will take it swinging it in flicked on by Rozario and the goalkeeper made up for er what might have been an error a moment or two ago by coming bravely in with Pearce right in front of him and Rozario I mean on the flick .
12 ‘ By Donington I went to the start grid knowing I had to finish a race , regardless of my position .
13 On 29 December I read in the Gazzetta di Parma the news that Eric — and Donald — had been recaptured .
14 Yeah every time I get me take-away curry from Ripon I park outside the house that 's somebody comes and he says you ca n't park there .
15 Esther Rantzen for the B B C and Cilla Black I think on the A T V.
16 Having been wintered out on the heterosexual plains of Ipswich I longed for the company of other dykes .
17 Others have done so , in writing , but not I. I spoke of the ‘ regrettable similarity ’ between a 1989 work by Parmiggiani and Kosuth 's installation at the 1992 Documenta ( Il Giornale dell' Arte No. 103 , September 1992 , pp. 1,8 ) .
18 During my time at the DHSS I met over the table with three Chief Secretaries and , I have to admit , had battles with them all .
19 ‘ One Sunday I drove around the well-to-do area of Stoke Bishop , and next morning the Post Office had run out of licence stamps . ’
20 As director of social services for the London borough of Hillingdon I knew of the work with refugees in my role in Hillingdon I was responsible for services for child arrivals at Heathrow airport and I worked closely with Save The Children on the successful effort to get specific recognition for asylum seeking children in the asylum and immigration appeals act .
21 After seeing Mr. Docherty I wrote to the manager of the local unemployment benefit office for her comments on the circumstances leading to the suspension of his benefit .
22 One morning in mid-January I jumped over the railings and climbed up to the parapet of the gate .
23 Again I do n't want to be uncharitable but Cecil Parkinson I suspect in the public view is a man somewhat but not entirely without trace .
24 Holland I sank before the first nuclear tests and was shielded by the sea from radiation .
25 Frankenstein I know from the videoshockers , but who are the others ? ’
26 ( Funnily enough , years later in France I saw in the Orange branch of the Credit Agricole exactly the same slogan used to advertise personal loans . )
27 In early September I went to the wedding of Geoffrey Howe 's daughter , Amanda .
28 I developed so much skill that I could put together a 50 or 60 break and when I moved to York I played for the local Conservative club and reached the final of the York and District competition .
29 Back in New York I stayed at the Park Central Hotel ( now the Park Sheraton ) where I made the acquaintance of a young American actor called Tom Sanders .
30 ‘ In London I go from the room to the car quickly . ’
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