Example sentences of "[noun prp] have been [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Motability has been one of the few established successes of a mixed economy .
2 For many years Serge Moscovici has been one of the leading critics of orthodoxies in social psychological thinking .
3 In fact , Mr Shiratori has been one of Japan 's representative 's on the IASC since 1984 and is well versed in all the issues ; he is also well aware that he has taken up the reins of office at a critical time for the IASC .
4 Mr Haskins has been one of the most outspoken critics of the MMB plan to turn its other functions over to the new Milk Marque co-op .
5 All I will say is that in attempting to develop theories about the alleviation of neurological dysfunction as she has , Dr Hari has been one of very few medical scientists to address an important ‘ black hole ’ in the research agenda .
6 Dixons has been one of the first retail chains to suffer from the slowing of retail demand .
7 Mr Yanagitani had been one of Daiwa 's highest-flyers .
8 The report singled out three recent incidents : a demonstration in Kishinev ( the capital ) on Jan. 8 , when a funeral procession for a Moldavian youth who had died in suspicious circumstances had turned into a rally by up to 10,000 people protesting against Soviet and communist rule , and fights had ensued between rival gangs of Moldavian and Russian youths ; a picket of the district Moldavian CP committee building in the town of Chadyr Lunga by members of the Gagauz minority demanding creation of their own autonomous republic ; and a referendum on Jan. 28 called by the city soviet in Tiraspol , Moldavia 's second largest city , in which the predominantly Russian population had voted overwhelmingly ( over 96 per cent of a 92 per cent poll ) to declare greater autonomy for the Tiraspol district and to support the possible declaration of Tiraspol and neighbouring Russian-populated towns as an autonomous republic ( Tiraspol had been one of the main centres of strikes by Moldavia 's Russian and Ukrainian population in August-September 1989 against greater Moldavian language rights — see pp. 36855 ; 36898 ) .
9 On March 23 the NDPD ( which together with the CDU , the DBD and the liberal democrat precursor to the LDP had been one of the four " bloc " parties governing in coalition with the former communist regime — see p. 37025 ) joined the League of Free Democrat — the renamed LDP — to form one faction .
10 Falcone had been one of those responsible for bringing to trial 473 members of the Mafia in December 1987 [ see p. 35990 ] .
11 Until Forest reached the final , Wassall had been one of the 16 footballers vying for the title of the Football League 's quickest player in the final of the Rumbelows Sprint Challenge , to be staged immediately before the big match with Manchester United .
12 Frankie had been one of those unfortunates .
13 Puddephat had given evidence , saying Melanie Gandell had been one of his brightest students , and he had gone out of his way to encourage her academically as a result .
14 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
15 World Peace is a most important , er item affecting everyone in the world ; Gorbachov has been one of the foremost politicians , international politicians to , to make a change in , in , er in the world climate , so far as peace is concerned , and therefore that will certainly help him solve his bread and butter problems in the Soviet Union .
16 Scotland has been one of Britain 's growth areas in electronics ( Box B , p 639 ) .
17 But in the past Chile has been one of Iraq 's main suppliers of arms and there are fears that the new British missile could be sold on to Saddam Hussein .
18 Brazil has been one of its greatest exponents .
19 Bond has been one of the walking wounded for so long that most people have seen this coming and should have provided against it , ’ a banking executive said .
20 Nordhausen had been one of these places .
21 Although Taiwan maintained diplomatic relations with almost 30 countries , South Korea had been one of the most important and was Taiwan 's last formal diplomatic ally in Asia .
22 England had been one of the first countries to adopt Gothic designs but was one of the last to relinquish the style which passed into a Perpendicular phase unique to the British Isles .
23 In a series of other cases from eyres where Mettingham had been one of the justices the auditors accepted his ‘ record ’ that he had not been sitting in the court when the case concerned was decided .
24 Later that evening , Simon had been one of the crowd that had ended up at their house for coffee .
25 Rideout , boosted by scoring twice for the reserves in midweek , admitted last night : ‘ Graeme 's been one of the top strikers in the game for several years and he is a hard act to follow .
26 Nicol has been one of Liverpool 's most consistent defensive performers after forcing his way into the side following his £300,000 move from Ayr United .
27 My friendship with Matthew has been one of the pleasures of this last year .
28 The history of Burma has been one of imperialism .
29 Water quality in the Danube has been one of the casualties of the war between Croatia and Serbia , according to the UN Industrial Development Organisation ( UNIDO ) .
30 Tatarstan had been one of the two Russian Federation constituent republics to refuse to sign the Federation Treaty in March 1992 , holding instead a referendum on self-government [ see p. 38825-26 ] .
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