Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [been] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Haunting has been going on for years and years and years .
2 Relations between his father and Lord Dersingham had been carried on , as it were , in reported speech : what his lordship said , did , wanted ; what Miss Vanessa said , did , and wanted ; these were staples of the Yaxlee family conversation .
3 MORE than 500 Chinese who wanted to be smuggled into the United States have been moved on to an American base in the Marshall Islands after a six-week voyage from Hong Kong , the US Coast Guard said yesterday .
4 No sign yet of the symmetrical multi-processors IBM has been working on with Groupe Bull SA .
5 Members will want to know how Pat Keen has been getting on since she gave up her classes in the London area and moved to Newquay in Cornwall to look after her 94–year-old mother .
6 Ormrod J. , noting that this was ‘ the first occasion on which a Court in England has been called on to decide the sex of an individual ’ , felt constrained to find that ‘ legal relations can be classified into those in which the sex of the individuals concerned is either irrelevant , relevant or an essential determinant of the nature of the relationship . ’
7 Its worst loss of nerve was over a Channel 4 programme MI5 's Official Secrets in which Cathy Massiter , a former MI5 case officer responsible for surveillance of the peace movement , alleged that her investigations into CND had been passed on to government ministers for party-political use .
8 But even this , Wemmick decides to keep to his life at Walworth and not let it be mentioned in Little Britain which even though it seems odd , stays within the boundaries of his character which Dickens has been building on .
9 Well you say that International Women 's Day has been going on for some time , but here in Britain what 's known as the Women 's Movement has been in operation now for about , what , twenty one/twenty two years , something like that .
10 They ended up laughing about that , but it was the uneasy laughter of desperation and displacement , and all they could do after that was finish the whisky and have the joint Rory had been working on , and it was almost a relief when Fergus was sick as a dog out of the window , hanging out barfing onto the slates and into the guttering while Rory tried to clean the plaster off the top bunk and stowed the guns out of harm 's way .
11 I 'd almost fallen asleep while Uncle Hamish had been droning on .
12 Letters addressed to the AIBS concerning Vic Williams have been passed on to the IS .
13 The uprising is certainly an historic event , but the conflict over Palestine has been going on for a century now .
14 The uprising is certainly an historic event , but the conflict over Palestine has been going on for a century now .
15 The younger John claimed that Langton had been carrying on an adulterous relationship with his stepmother Joan .
16 The search for Louise Butler had been going on for over two days .
17 Liverpool have been holding on since November 9 for news of the left-sided 22-year-old while government officials check to see if there are any objections from the FA or Players ' Union .
18 She said how the old people 's sitting room had been livened up when a few pictures of old Barnsley had been hung on the walls .
19 As the prospects of a Tory victory recedes , the likes of Sunderland car magnate Sir Tom Cowie and Tyneside bus burgher Martin Ballinger have been banging on about the Tory cause .
20 Mr Goldring told the jury on the second day of the trial , which is expected to last for three months , that Bradley had been put on an intravenous drip but in the early hours of the next morning he shouted out , complaining of pain around the drip site .
21 All this happened in early spring — the third week in March , I think — and for several weeks of the previous summer Inez had been carrying on with a man staying at one of the St Ives hotels .
22 Rumour had it that Sir Hector 's influence was the only reason George had been taken on in the first place .
23 She had an embarrassed recollection of having burst into tears , of demanding to know how long the affair with Henrietta had been going on .
24 The bomb Simon Cormack had been carrying on his person was concealed in the broad leather belt he wore around his waist and which had been given him by his abductors to hold up the denim jeans they had also provided for him .
25 Stuart 's been bleating on about how I changed my name , has n't he ?
26 All of this makes it very attractive for the application which Luck and Swanson have been working on — the construction of switched capacitor filter circuits .
27 He claims that Stanford has been leant on by the Chinese government and by American academics , who were scared that the door to China would be closed unless he was punished .
28 Carl has been jumped on , shot at and held hostage .
29 The case of the proposed sale by London University 's Royal Holloway College of a good Turner , Constable and Gainsborough ( in that order ) from the collection given to it by its founder Thomas Holloway has been rumbling on since 1988 , arousing increasing indignation in some academic and most heritage circles .
30 Henry had been invited on to the chat show chiefly because the new snooker champion was the guest of honour .
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