Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 As far as I am concerned , Bergman has been officially a man since the end of the Upper Removes .
2 After David had been there a couple of weeks , I used to go off doing odd bits of work in London , working as a journalist , although I was n't very keen on that side of my life at the time — there were other things that interested me more .
3 At that time she had known few people in the district , for they were among the first of the incomers , and Camille had been only a baby with the consequent ailments , accidents and dissatisfactions .
4 Ensign Piper had been only a short time in Australia when he volunteered for duty in the convict settlement on Norfolk Island .
5 The upheavals in Africa had been only a rehearsal .
6 The hulking nephew of Kalv Arnason had been only a youth when King Olaf had killed his uncle Ølve at the spring feast at Sparbu and had given to Kalv his uncle 's rich widow in gratitude .
7 Jakki had been there a week when , in true fairytale fashion , one of the regular disc jockeys upped and left .
8 Aisha had been both a tribal companion to the Sheikha and a ‘ nanny ’ to her children .
9 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
10 In most other matters , since 1945 , Britain has been effectively a dependent state , whether in peace or in war , and the dominance of British fiction across the world is unmatched by almost everything else , though some might hopefully seek exceptions in education , broadcasting and financial services like marine insurance .
11 Yet one can not escape the feeling that if Humanae Vitae had been essentially a reasoned condemnation of abortion , the witness of the Church would have been all the more powerful .
12 The chilli also meant that Praeger had been just a wire man with orders not to kill anybody who came at him just blind them and run .
13 The transfer arrangements for Holly and Demyonov had been basically a Foreign and Commonwealth matter , and rightly so .
14 Until this point , the structure of government outside Whitehall had been merely a matter which worried civil servants who wished to see their departmental policies executed more rapidly and efficiently , though some Liberals , some academics and sections of the ‘ quality press ’ had shown a passing interest in the subject .
15 For only I and one other person in that courtroom knew the truth , knew that the hand which had dispatched William had been neither a female hand nor a male one , but the hand of a terrible neuter thing !
16 According to The Famous Grouse Director , Matthew Gloag , the company 's interest in the next year 's tournament in Edinburgh had been almost a foregone conclusion due to the enormous benefits of having been involved in the 1991 World Cup .
17 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , making a public apology for Ukraine 's part in the massacre , acknowledged for the first time that Babi Yar had been primarily a massacre of Jews , and commentators noted that the ceremony was also a way of emphasising the government 's insistence on minority rights in Ukraine ( where 500,000 Jews still lived ) .
18 Previously the finance function within the FPCs has been largely a ‘ pay and rations ’ operation of paying to the doctors , dentists , pharmacists and opticians the allowances to which they are entitled in the ‘ Red Book ’ ( DHSS , 1989 ) .
19 This end of Waldron had been quite a town once , the big-money boys setting up in mansions of twenty and more rooms .
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